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Commercial Studies SESSION 1 COMPETITIVE IN THE GLOBAL MARKET By Dr. Soha El Magawry

2 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Introduction: Today we will start discussion on Commercial Studies. Commercial Studies is comprised of 6 sections that will help prepare your minds for the years ahead to graduation within this field. The 6 sections in commercial studies are:

3 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Introduction (continued): Competition In The Global Market Small Business Production Management Human Resource Management Financial Management Relationship Marketing

4 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Introduction (continued): Each of the 6 section will be lectured in a 4 hour, once a week for 2 weeks, with a total of 12 weeks for all. Let us begin with section one: Competition In The Global Market

5 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Competitive Definition: Goods, service, or offer that can hold its own against competing products because it offers an attractive value for money proposition to its buyers.

6 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Competitive Advantage: A superiority gained by an organization when it can provide the same value as its competitors but at a lower price, or can charge higher prices by providing greater value through differentiation. Competitive advantage results from matching core competencies to the opportunities.

7 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Competitive Advertising: Promotional technique in which an advertiser claims the superiority of its product over competing product(s) by direct or indirect comparison. If other products are mentioned by their name (and not as 'brand X,' 'brand Y,' etc.) the owners of those brands may challenge the fairness of the comparison in a court. Also called comparative advertising or comparison advertising.

8 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Competitive Analysis: Assessment of the difference between a firm's performance and that of its competitors, and detection and examination of the factors that cause the difference. Firm Company Corporation

9 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Competitive Benchmarking: Continuous process of comparing a firm's practices and performance measures with that of its most successful competitor(s).

10 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Competitive Bidders: A category of bidders of Treasury securities who are usually financial institutions.

11 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Bidder: Contractor, supplier, or vendor who responds to an invitation to bid (ITB). Also called offeror or quoter.

12 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Treasury securities: Negotiable debt obligations of a national (federal) government, comprising of : 1. Treasury Bills (maturity less than one year), 2. Treasury Notes (maturity one to ten years), and 3. Treasury Bonds (maturity over 10 years).

13 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Treasury securities (continued): Treasuries are backed by full faith and credit of the issuing government and have low liquidity risk and almost zero credit risk.

14 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Treasury securities (continued): Since they are the safest form of investment, their yields are typically lower than all other kinds of debt securities of comparable maturities, and is used as a benchmark for evaluating the yields on municipal and corporate debt securities.

15 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Financial Institutions: Private (shareholder-owned) or public (government-owned) organizations that, broadly speaking, act as a channel between savers and borrowers of funds (suppliers and consumers of capital).

16 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Financial Institutions (continued): Two main types of financial institutions (with increasingly blurred dividing line) are: (1) Depository (2) Non-depository

17 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Financial Institutions (continued): (1) Depository: Banks and credit unions which pay interest on deposits from the interest earned on the loans.

18 Competitive In The Global Market
Session 1 COMMERCIAL STUDIES Financial Institutions (continued): (2) Non-depository: Insurance companies and mutual funds (unit trusts) which collect funds by selling their policies or shares (units) to the public and provide returns in the form periodic benefits and profit payouts.

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