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Project Edward….

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1 Project Edward…

We need to speed up our efforts, and one initiative we believe can make a big impact is the European Day Without A Road Death – Project EDWARD for short. EDWARD will encourage all road users to reflect on their behaviour and attitude.

3 Who is to blame for road fatalities?
Drivers are unwittingly or sometimes knowingly putting other road users in danger in so many ways: perhaps by speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt, using the phone while driving, using vehicles they have not kept roadworthy, parking their cars on bicycle lanes, blocking pedestrian crossings, not turning on their lights or engaging in risky maneuvers.

4 Simple rules to keep you safe
Always us the Green Cross Code. Avoid crossing between parked cars. Always look at listen before you cross. Only cross if its safe to do so. Introductions Why are we doing this training – opportunity to meet the team, meet colleagues and receive a training update.

5 When out on your bike… Make sure your bike is roadworthy.
Always wear a helmet. Look for traffic before you move into the road. Wear bright clothing and use lights at night - Be bright be seen. Introductions Why are we doing this training – opportunity to meet the team, meet colleagues and receive a training update.

6 When in a car… Always wear a seatbelt or sit in your car seat.
Try not to distract the driver. When leaving the car use the door nearest to the footpath. Introductions Why are we doing this training – opportunity to meet the team, meet colleagues and receive a training update.

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