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Corporate FP&A PBCS FAB (Forecast/Ad Hoc/budget) training

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1 Corporate FP&A PBCS FAB (Forecast/Ad Hoc/budget) training
September 2017

2 Presentation Outline Important CY18 Budget Deadlines
Changes to Corporate Forecast & Budgeting in CY18 Refresher on PBCS PBCS features, tips, guides Smart View / Ad Hoc Exercises & Templates

3 Distinction Between Corporate PBCS & Division Systems
Corporate Systems Systems managed and used for the requirements of PCC Corporate Corporate Instance of PBCS Corporate Instance of ORACLE Division Systems Systems managed and used for the requirements of Divisions Division Instance of PBCS Division Instance of ORACLE Hyperion Planning Hyperion Financial Mgmt. Hyperion Data Quality Mgmt. Etc. …. Corporate systems were designed and implemented to meet the requirements of Corporate PCC

4 2018 Budget Deadlines R1 – Monday, November, 13 2017
CFO Review – Week of November 27, 2017 CEO Review - Week of December 4, 2017 R2 – February 2, 2018 (last business day of fiscal January)

5 CY2018 PBCS Data Collection Format Change
Current Corporate Budget & Forecast process calls for 36 months (15 months + 7 Quarters) 36 Months Total M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 5 Qtr 6 Qtr 7

6 PBCS Data Collection Format
New CY18 Corporate Budget & Forecast process will call for the same 36 months, except now in straight 36 month format (no quarters) Change starts for Forecast on CY18 January Change starts for Budget immediately M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 36 Months Total M16 M17 M18 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 ………. May want to note that we typically do not review performance based on months at Corporate, but rather quarters

7 PBCS Time Balance Property
If you do not budget or forecast by month, you can submit data to PBCS in Quarters. Account property in PBCS is set to “spread” and will automatically spread data submitted to quarters evenly across the three months This “spread” method works in both WebView & Smart View Ask for audience feedback here about the form design. Will 36 straight months be OK, or do we need to redesign as quarters.

8 PBCS Time Balance Property

9 PBCS Time Balance Property

10 Additional Changes to PBCS Forecast Process (CY18)
Depreciation & Amortization will be split in the forecast Instead of D&A as one number, we will ask for the two figures separately Reminder: Amortization includes Net change to Contract Accounting balances Will be asking for Sales, SG&A, & COGS EBIT will be calculated from Sales, SG&A, & COGS inputs As opposed to the current Sales & EBIT format Above changes will align requirements for Budget & Forecast data Starting in CY18, Budget & Forecast will ask for the same time periods and same accounts Changes should make data requests more consistent and easier for users Make sure to speak on the benefits for audience

11 PBCS Overview PBCS is our system of record for projections, estimates, forecasts, certain historical actual data (e.g. headcount and customer sales), and historical non-GAAP data PBCS is intended to be used by PCC divisions to create, analyze, and formalize the following data to corporate management: Monthly Forecast (i.e. sales and EBIT, balance sheet and cash flow, delinquencies, and headcount) Quarterly, Annual, and Other Reporting (e.g. sales by market and destination, sales and EBIT by customer, backlog) Annual Budget See the ‘PBCS Data Entry Guidelines’ document for data collected and the ‘PCC Closing Schedule’ for data collection timing Oracle is our system of record for financial reporting of actual data Oracle data is manually loaded into PBCS by Corp. IT during the monthly close process Data loads are completed before 10am PST starting on day 3 of close Oracle data obtained from PBCS does not replace existing Oracle data utilized in the completion of Financial Reporting (i.e. still need controls to verify data agrees to the Oracle trial balance)

12 PBCS Overview Good place to tell anecdotal story on when someone inquired about SG&A forecasts within PBCS

13 Corporate FP&A Resources
Corporate FP&A department PCC Portal site Academy in PBCS application

14 PBCS Access PBCS access is determined primarily at the division level
Corporate IT Help Desk Ticket (PCC Portal) is required for new users and existing user access changes PBCS PC link: Server: US 2 (Commercial) Domain ID: a423340 Log-in Using “Company Sign In” option Select “Oracle Enterprise Performance Management” Mobile device accessibility is available for PBCS

15 PBCS Access: What if You Forgot How to Get to PBCS?
Go to the Corporate FP&A Portal Page Google it

16 PBCS Smart View Smart View provides an interface (i.e. an add-in) to access PBCS through the familiarity and flexibility of Microsoft Excel Access to task lists and data entry forms which mirror Web-View tasks and forms Ad hoc analysis available through Smart View ‘PBCS Smart View Guidelines’ document Includes required steps for set-up and settings, as well as navigation instructions PCC Corporate cannot support configuration and maintenance of the PBCS Smart View add-in (contact local or division IT for assistance with add-in set-up) Touch on the idea that these forms were originally conceived as “starting points” where more advanced users could modify with Smart View/Ad Hoc

17 11 Mandatory Dimensions Dimensions (11) Scenario Entity Account Year
Period Data Type Plan Year Version Currency Intco Class May want to note that if users division gets their own PBCS instance, their dimensions may look slightly different, but will also share many similarities

18 The 5 Important Dimensions
Of the 11 mandatory dimensions, and in most circumstances, you only need to consider the below 5 dimensions: Scenario What Scenario are you looking for? Forecast? Budget? Actuals? Entity Account Year Period

19 Default Values For Other 6 Dimensions
In most circumstances, you can use the default values for the 6 non-critical dimensions Plan Year = Planning cycle E.g., current budget is “Plan_2018” while the remaining forecasts through Dec. are “Plan_2017” Version = “Working” Currency = “USD” Intco = “NO_INTCO” Unless retrieving Sales by Customer Class = “NO_CLASS” Unless retrieving Sales by Market, Destination, Location, etc. Data Type For submitting data, Data Type will always be “Input” Can view data at “Input” or “ALL_SRC”

20 Examples of Reports Made with Smart View/Ad Hoc
Quarter over Quarter Inventory Report Year over Year Customer Report

21 Ad Hoc Exercises Scenario #1
You’re in the process of assembling your budget and would like to review your recent forecast submissions for comparison, how would you do this? Scenario #2 You want to compare trends in your forecast over the course of the year, how would you do this?

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