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I like to start with something non-descript; thus the blue

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Presentation on theme: "I like to start with something non-descript; thus the blue"— Presentation transcript:

1 I like to start with something non-descript; thus the blue
I like to start with something non-descript; thus the blue. Click anywhere on this slide to start the game! Click to begin

2 This is just a place-holder screen to start the music and reveal the opening titles at the proper time. It will advance automatically. Intro. Screen

3 JeOPardy! Title Screen JEOPARDY!
Here’s the title screen that shows up at the end of the intro. Once you’re ready to go, click to advance to the next slide. 1

4 Stems 1 Stems 2 Stems 3 Stems 4 Stems 5 Stems 6 Board 1 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 The opening board! Click once to reveal each of the category titles in turn. Clicking on any of the numbers will go to the related question. Click anywhere on the question screen to return to this board. Buttons in the bottom corner will jump you straight to the Double Jeopardy board or Final Jeopardy question, as advertised. To insert a DAILY DOUBLE, do the following: Click once on the $$ that is to become a DD question. Right-click on the dotted/dashed border around the $$ Choose ‘Hyperlink’ from the menu that appears In the box that appears, choose ‘Place in this document’ on the left-hand side Scroll down the list of slides, and choose either DD1 or DD2 Click ‘OK’ The $$ is now linked to the DD title slide. NOW: In the main PowerPoint interface, choose the DD slide you just linked to in one of the sorter windows to make it active, and follow the directions on that slide to complete the process. $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 DOUBLE JEOPARDY FINAL JEOPARDY 1

5 You are being asked to identify a character as being a certain type, for example, “Wonder Woman can best be described as a superhero.” $100 Q 1-1 Edit the text above to add your question. Finished questions will be centered in the screen.

6 (Character) can best be described as
$100 Q 1-1 A 1-1

7 You are being asked to identify the emotions in the authors’ words.
$200 Q 1-2 Edit the text above to add your question. Finished questions will be centered in the screen.

8 The tone of this sentence can best be described as
$200 Q 1-1 A 1-2

9 You are being asked to identify the theme (lesson or moral) of the story by analyzing something a character said. $300 Q 1-3 Edit the text above to add your question. Finished questions will be centered in the screen.

10 The quotation suggests that the selection explores the theme of-
$300 Q 1-1 A 1-3

11 You are being asked to identify the conflict by connecting it to what the protagonist (main character) wants, and finding specific text evidence to prove it. $400 Q 1-4 Edit the text above to add your question. Finished questions will be centered in the screen.

12 These sentences suggest that the story’s conflict will involve (character’s) struggle with -
$400 Q 1-1 A 1-4

13 You are being asked to (1) pick out the figurative language in the quote and (2) know what it means in relation to the story’s big idea. $500 Q 1-5 You get the idea…

14 Why does the author use (figurative language) in this quotation?
$500 Q 1-1 A 1-5

15 You are being asked to understand that an author sometimes uses broken sentences for effect on the reader, to make a point. $100 Q 2-1

16 Why does the author use sentence fragments to begin the article?
$100 Q 1-1 A 2-1

17 You are being asked to identify the effect of the author’s choice of imagery to impact the reader: how does it impact the reader? $200 Q 2-2

18 Why does the author use figurative language to begin the article?
$200 Q 1-1 A 2-2

19 You are being asked to identify (1) the quotes and (2) where they came from and (3) why they were included: why are they important? $300 Q 2-3

20 The author includes quotations from (where they are from) primarily to-
$300 Q 1-1 A 2-3

21 You are being asked to add up details to figure out what is important to the author.
$400 Q 2-4

22 The author believes that the purpose of _____ is to -
$400 Q 1-1 A 2-4

23 You are being asked to (1) identify a type of imagery and (2) understand its connection to what the author is explaining. $500 Q 2-5

24 In which line does the author use figurative language to explain (what the fig language means)?
$500 Q 1-1 A 2-5

25 You are being asked to identify context clues that help you figure out what a word means.
$100 Q 3-1

26 Which words best help the reader understand the meaning of the word ___ in line ___?
$100 Q 1-1 A 3-1

27 You are being asked to use a word or group of words to identify what is important to the poet.
$200 Q 3-2

28 By using this (analogy, simile, etc.) the poet emphasizes-
$200 Q 1-1 A 3-2

29 You are being asked how the poet uses a group of words to show what is important about the meaning of the poem. $300 Q 3-3

30 The poet uses these lines to emphasize the importance of-
$300 Q 1-1 A 3-3

31 You are being asked to identify the emotional meaning behind the poet’s words.
$400 Q 3-4

32 In these lines, the poet’s tone can best be described as-
$400 Q 1-1 A 3-4

33 You are being asked to infer the meaning to the poem.
$500 Q 3-5

34 These lines suggest- $500 Q 1-1 A 3-5

35 You are being asked to identify how the author supports the main idea/thesis.
$100 Q 4-1

36 In paragraphs __ through __, the author bolsters his position by-
$100 Q 1-1 A 4-1

37 You are being asked to identify figurative language and how it is used to impact the reader.
$200 Q 4-2

38 Why does the author use sensory images in paragraph ___?
$200 Q 1-1 A 4-2

39 You are being asked to understand how conversation between 2 characters identifies how they are connected. $300 Q 4-3

40 The dialogue in paragraphs ___ and ___ establishes that the relationship between (character) and (character) is- $300 Q 1-1 A 4-3

41 You are being asked to identify how the author uses a propaganda technique to convincing readers that they should support his argument. $400 Q 4-4

42 One technique the author uses to support his case in the selection is- (p.s. look up words in the answer choices if you don’t know them!) $400 Q 1-1 A 4-4

43 You are being asked to (1) identify an example of alliteration and (2) i.d. how it’s used as a support for the thesis/argument/central idea. $500 Q 4-5

44 In which line does the author use alliteration to support the primary message of the selection?
$500 Q 1-1 A 4-5

45 You are being asked to identify what a character said that proves how the character feels.
$100 Q 5-1

46 Which line of dialogue provides the best evidence that (character) feels (a certain way)?
$100 Q 1-1 A 5-1

47 You are being asked to analyze how the stage directions provide proof that a character did something or something happened. $200 Q 5-2

48 The stage directions in paragraph __ and ___ provide evidence that -
$200 Q 1-1 A 5-2

49 You are being asked to identify the main reason the author was motivated to write the article.
$300 Q 5-3

50 What is the author’s primary purpose for writing this selection?
$300 Q 1-1 A 5-3

51 You are being asked to understand why it was a powerful thing for the author to end the article by talking directly to you. $400 Q 5-4

52 Why does the author conclude the article by addressing the reader directly?
$400 Q 1-1 A 5-4

53 You are being asked to add up the hints and implied meanings to make conclusions about a character.
$500 Q 5-5

54 The reader can infer that (character) is-
$500 Q 1-1 A 5-5

55 You are being asked to (1) read and understand a table and (2) connect it to the author’s main idea/argument and (3) connect those things to what the author would agree with. $100 Q 6-1

56 Based on his argument in the selection, with which of the following statements about the table would the author most likely agree? $100 Q 1-1 A 6-1

57 You are being asked to understand what is most important in stage directions. Understand why they are included. $200 Q 6-2

58 The stage directions in paragraph ___ and ____ emphasize-
$200 Q 1-1 A 6-2

59 You are being asked to understand the reason/motivation for a character to do something.
$300 Q 6-3

60 Why does (character) do (an action)?
$300 Q 1-1 A 6-3

61 You are being asked to consider the thesis/argument and identify a sentence that supports it.
$400 Q 6-4

62 Which sentence from the passage supports (idea for the text)?
$400 Q 1-1 A 6-4

63 You are being asked to figure out how what a character says help you more deeply understand the protagonist (M.C.). $500 Q 6-5

64 In what way do (character’s) lines in paragraph __ & __ help develop the character of the protagonist? $500 Q 1-1 A 6-5

65 D O U B L E JEOPARDY! 2 Stems 1 2 Stems 2 2 Stems 3 2 Stems 4 2 Stems 5 2 Stems 6 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Board 2 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 Double Jeopardy! Dollar values are doubled, otherwise everything works the same as Board 1. Insert the second DAILY DOUBLE question, if desired, using the same procedure as on Board 1--only this time link to the DD2 slide. $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 FINAL JEOPARDY 1

66 You are being asked how the author mentioning something or someone helps you know that the story’s setting is a certain time or place. $200 Q2 1-1

67 The references to ___ and ____ suggest that the selection is set in-
$200 Q 1-1 A2 1-1

68 You are being asked to (1) look at some boxed info and know its reason for being there and (2) match that to a statement that describes that reason the boxed info is there. $400 Q2 1-2

69 You are being asked why a conversation is an example of the audience knowing something the character(s) don’t know. $400 Q 1-1 A2 1-2

70 In what way is the dialogue between (character) and (character) an example of dramatic irony?
$600 Q2 1-3

71 You are being asked to understand what the author is saying about a character’s personality by describing him/her a certain way. $600 Q 1-1 A2 1-3

72 In paragraph ___, the description of (character) suggests-
$800 Q2 1-4

73 You are being asked to (1) identify theme(s) (morals/lessons) in a story and (2) be able to tell the ways the author shows the themes. $800 Q 1-1 A2 1-4

74 This selection explores its themes primarily through-
$1000 Q2 1-5

75 You are being asked to look at the author’s advice and be able to identify the most important parts of it. $1000 Q 1-1 A2 1-5

76 Which sentence best summarizes the author’s advice?
$200 Q2 2-1

77 You are being asked to (1) identify figurative language/what kind it is & (2) understand it & (3) know how it’s used to transmit ideas to you. $200 Q 1-1 A2 2-1

78 You are being asked to identify the most important reason a paragraph is in the article.
$400 Q2 2-2

79 What is the main purpose of paragraph ___?
$400 Q 1-1 A2 2-2

80 You are being asked to identify a big lesson/moral in the play.
$600 Q2 2-3

81 A major theme explored in the play is-
$600 Q 1-1 A2 2-3

82 You are being asked to look at how a character feels and identify the strongest proof that the character feels that way. $800 Q2 2-4

83 Which line provides the best evidence that (character) feels ___?
$800 Q 1-1 A2 2-4

84 You are being asked to look at a definition and identify the word that is a synonym for it.
$1000 Q2 2-5

85 In paragraph __, which word best describes (definition)?
$1000 Q 1-1 A2 2-5

86 You are being asked to identify the meaning of a word.
$200 Q2 3-1

87 In paragraph ___, the word ___ means -
$200 Q 1-1 A2 3-1

88 You are being asked why a character being described a certain way in stage directions is supposed to make you feel a certain way. $400 Q2 3-2

89 In paragraph ___, the description of (character) in the stage directions is intended to evoke (bring out) a feeling of- $400 Q 1-1 A2 3-2

90 You are being asked to identify how information in a paragraph leads you to make a certain conclusion. $600 Q2 3-3

91 From paragraph ___, the reader can infer-
$600 Q 1-1 A2 3-3

92 You are being asked to read a line from a poem and infer the reason the author wrote that (made a statement) $800 Q2 3-4

93 The author makes this statement to suggest that-
$800 Q 1-1 A2 3-4

94 $1000 cYou are being asked to identify the main reason the author wrote the text. (no I don’t know why this slide is different.  )

95 The author’s purpose for writing this selection is to-
$1000 Q 1-1 A2 3-5

96 2 QUESTION 4-1 $200 Q2 4-1

97 2 ANSWER 4-1 $200 Q 1-1 A2 4-1

98 2 QUESTION 4-2 $400 Q2 4-2

99 2 ANSWER 4-2 $400 Q 1-1 A2 4-2

100 2 QUESTION 4-3 $600 Q2 4-3

101 2 ANSWER 4-3 $600 Q 1-1 A2 4-3

102 2 QUESTION 4-4 $800 Q2 4-4

103 2 ANSWER 4-4 $800 Q 1-1 A2 4-4

104 2 QUESTION 4-5 $1000 Q2 4-5

105 2 ANSWER 4-5 $1000 Q 1-1 A2 4-5

106 2 QUESTION 5-1 $200 Q2 5-1

107 2 ANSWER 5-1 $200 Q 1-1 A2 5-1

108 2 QUESTION 5-2 $400 Q2 5-2

109 2 ANSWER 5-2 $400 Q 1-1 A2 5-2

110 2 QUESTION 5-3 $600 Q2 5-3

111 2 ANSWER 5-3 $600 Q 1-1 A2 5-3

112 2 QUESTION 5-4 $800 Q2 5-4

113 2 ANSWER 5-4 $800 Q 1-1 A2 5-4

114 2 QUESTION 5-5 $1000 Q2 5-5

115 2 ANSWER 5-5 $1000 Q 1-1 A2 5-5

116 2 QUESTION 6-1 $200 Q2 6-1

117 2 ANSWER 6-1 $200 Q 1-1 A2 6-1

118 2 QUESTION 6-2 $400 Q2 6-2

119 2 ANSWER 6-2 $400 Q 1-1 A2 6-2

120 2 QUESTION 6-3 $600 Q2 6-3

121 2 ANSWER 6-3 $600 Q 1-1 A2 6-3

122 2 QUESTION 6-4 $800 Q2 6-4

123 2 ANSWER 6-4 $800 Q 1-1 A2 6-4

124 2 QUESTION 6-5 $1000 Q2 6-5

125 2 ANSWER 6-5 $1000 Q 1-1 A2 6-5

126 Final Title FINAL JEOPARDY!

127 FINAL TOPIC Final Topic
Edit the text above to reflect the topic of the final question. You know… Authors. Or Baking. Or Extreme Sports. Or something.

128 FINAL QUESTION Final Question
The final question! If you’ve got the sounds installed in the same folder as this file, click the sound button on the slide to play the Final Jeopardy music and really turn up the heat! :-P When it’s all over, clicking this screen will bring up the #71. ENDING SCREEN. I dunno, it just looks nice.

129 Final Answer Final Question FINAL ANSWER

130 DAILY DOUBLE DD1 If you’ve linked this slide to a $$ slide on one of the main boards, follow these instructions to link *this* screen to the DD question: Click once on the blue area of the slide Right-click on the dotted/dashed border Choose ‘Edit hyperlink’ from the menu that appears In the box that appears, select the question slide that corresponds to the $$ for the DD question. Click ‘OK’ That’s it! The sequence should now be as follows: $$ box clicked on the main screen Daily Double title slide appears Click anywhere in the blue area on the title slide Related question should appear Click blue area on question slide Back to main board

131 DAILY DOUBLE DD2 If you’ve linked this slide to a $$ slide on one of the main boards, follow these instructions to link *this* screen to the DD question: Click once on the blue area of the slide Right-click on the dotted/dashed border Choose ‘Edit hyperlink’ from the menu that appears In the box that appears, select the question slide that corresponds to the $$ for the DD question. Click ‘OK’ That’s it! The sequence should now be as follows: $$ box clicked on the main screen Daily Double title slide appears Click anywhere in the blue area on the title slide Related question should appear Click blue area on question slide Back to main board



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