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Allocation Policy Review Sportsfields and Ball Diamonds Stakeholder Engagement Session June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Allocation Policy Review Sportsfields and Ball Diamonds Stakeholder Engagement Session June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allocation Policy Review Sportsfields and Ball Diamonds Stakeholder Engagement Session
June 2015

2 Scope of Policy Review Arenas Sportsfields and Ball Diamonds
Municipally Owned 44 Ice Surfaces Purchased Ice P3 agreements equal to 2.33 ice surfaces Sportsfields and Ball Diamonds Municipally Owned ( ) Allocated School Fields ( )

3 Guiding Principles Integrity of the Allocation Policy as passed by Council Equity Optimal use of facilities Proximity Responding to community needs

4 Issues Identified Challenge to shift historical use
Minor groups want more prime time Adults playing before minors on fields with lighting Vacant prime time spaces Returned prime time Current hours are not equitably distributed Associations have bookings outside their ideal catchment area Use of space once allocated Allocating appropriate time to groups Non-resident players Allocated, unused time Transparency and accountability to the City

5 Focus Group Topics Responding to community needs as a priority for allocating space Timeline changes to returning seasonal bookings Impacts of allocated, but unused space Adult Use of Fields with Lighting Before 9 pm Applying the City’s allocation formula within your organizations Transparency to the City

6 Responding to community needs as a priority for allocating space
Proposed Solution Rebalance hours now, and adjust up to 5% yearly Use sport governing bodies to validate registration numbers, and allocate hours accordingly Addresses Current hours are not equitably distributed Challenge to shift historical use Minors want more Prime Time Associations have bookings outside of their ideal catchment area

7 Timeline Changes to Returning Seasonal Bookings
Allowing broader access to seasonal prime time by putting a deadline in place for all to return unwanted allocations Proposed Solution Groups will be required to return all seasonal allocations by a set date, allowing blocks to be reallocated Addresses Returned prime time Minor Groups wanting more prime time space Vacant prime time

8 Impacts of Allocated but Unused Space
Ensure facilities are available for eligible groups instead of sitting idle Proposed Solution With the exception of some holidays and end of season tournaments, repeat unused bookings will be taken into consideration when allocating for future seasons Addresses Minors want more prime time Unused (burnt) ice and fields

9 Adult Use of Fields with Lighting Before 9 pm
Establishing an acceptable adult use of fields with lighting before 9 pm Proposed Solution Recognizing the need for adults to access prime time, adult groups will be permitted to remain at a maximum of the current 15% of prime time (to be reviewed every 4 years, based on older adult population shifts) Addresses Adults playing before minors on fields with lighting

10 Applying the City’s Allocation Formula Within Your Organization
The Allocation Policy and its principles will apply to all users equally Proposed Solution Schedulers will be expected to apply the principles of the Allocation Policy when internally allocating to groups under their jurisdiction Addresses Use of space once allocated Allocating appropriate time to groups Non-resident players

11 Transparency to the City
The City has to ensure that subsidized and priority use of its assets are appropriately and consistently distributed Proposed Solution Groups will be required to include the financial statements submitted at their most recent AGM, as well as a list of current board members, with their seasonal allocation request Addresses Transparency and accountability to the City

12 Implementation Timelines
Nov 2015 for 2016 Sportsfields April 2016 for Fall/Winter Ice Sept 2016 for 2017 Summer Ice

13 We are here to listen… Thank you for working with us to ensure City spaces remain well-used, and accessible to all residents!

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