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PAMELA Silicon Tracker experience and operation

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1 PAMELA Silicon Tracker experience and operation
Sergio Ricciarini ~ INFN Firenze on behalf of PAMELA collaboration Vertex 2006 15th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors Perugia, 28 September 2006

2 Summary Introduction. The magnetic spectrometer and silicon tracker.
The PAMELA experiment. The magnetic spectrometer and silicon tracker. Detectors and read-out electronics. Tracker performances. Preliminary analysis of a sample of data taken in flight. Examples of events collected in flight by PAMELA. S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

3 • INFN Florence and Physics Department of Florence University
ITALY: • INFN Florence and Physics Department of Florence University • Istitute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara”, Florence • INFN Bari and Physics Department of Bari University • INFN and Physics Department of Rome "Tor Vergata" • INFN Naples and Physics Department of Naples University • INFN Trieste and Physics Department of Trieste University • INFN National Laboratories, Frascati GERMANY: Physics Department of Siegen University SWEDEN: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm RUSSIA: • Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St Petersburg • Cosmic Rays Laboratory, Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, Moscow • Lab. of Solar and Cosmic Ray Physics, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

4 PAMELA experiment Main scientific objectives: Mission overview:
• antiparticles in cosmic rays; • search for antimatter and dark matter; • cosmic-ray propagation; • solar modulation, solar physics. Mission overview: • on-board Resurs-DK1 Russian satellite, launched from Bajkonur (Kazakhstan) 15 June 2006; • quasi-polar orbit 70° inclination, km altitude; • long expected duration (> 3 years);  efficient rejection of atmospheric background (albedo);  high statistics, also at lower energies (geomagnetic effect). Design goals for PAMELA performance: Primary production  annihilation m() = 964 GeV (Ullio 1999) operational launch (rest) Al container filled with N2 at 1 atm 2 mm thick window particle kin. energy range antiproton 80 MeV GeV (expected ~ 104/year) positron 50 MeV GeV (expected ~ 105/year) electron 50 MeV GeV proton 80 MeV GeV e- + e+ up to 2 TeV nuclei Z ≤ 6 100 MeV/n GeV/n sensitivity in anti-He/He ratio ~ 10-7 S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

5 PAMELA apparatus Main requirements: high-sensitivity antiparticle identification, precise momentum measure. Time-Of-Flight plastic scintillator strips + PMT:  trigger, albedo rejection;  mass identification up to E ~ 1 GeV;  charge identification from dE/dX. Magnetic spectrometer with microstrip Si tracker:  charge sign and momentum from the curvature; Electromagnetic calorimeter W/Si sampling; 16.3 X0, 0.6 λI:  discrimination e+ / p, e- / from shower topology;  direct E measurement for e-. max diameter: 102 cm height: 130 cm weight: 470 kg power: 355 W S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

6 Magnetic spectrometer
Permanent magnet (5 modules): • Nd-Fe-B alloy elements, residual magnetization 1.3 T; • Al frames, tower height 44.5 cm; • geometric factor 22.5 cm2 · sr; • Bx ~ Bz < 0.1 By ; • 3-axis map: points, 5 mm pitch. Bmean = 0.43 T Bmax = 0.48 T l a d d e r ADC boards Tracking system (6 planes, 8.9 cm apart): • 3 independent ladders per plane: • 2 Si microstrip sensors per ladder: • double sided, with double metallization on ohmic view; • integrated capacitive coupling; • FE electronics (VA1 chips) integrated on hybrid boards. VA1 chips Si sensors hybrids S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

7 Silicon detector ladder
Sensor dimensions: 70 mm x mm x 300 μm. Read-out: • read-out channels per ladder view; • strip/electrode coupling ~ 20 pF/cm; • channel capacitance to ground: < 10 pF junction view, < 20 pF ohmic view. Bias: • VY -VX = + 80 V fed through guard ring surrounding the strips. • Bias resistor: • junction: punch-through, > 50 MΩ; • ohmic: polysilicon, > 10 MΩ. • Leakage current < 1 μA/sensor. S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

8 VA1 chip Main features: Operating point:
• 1.2 µm CMOS ASIC (CERN - Ideas, Norway); • 6.2 mm · 4.5 mm chip area; 47 μm input pad pitch; • ± 2 V power rails; • 128 low-noise charge preamplifiers; • shaping time set to 1 μs; • ± 300 mV differential output range. Operating point: • chosen for optimal compromise; • power consumption 1.0 mW/channel  total dissipation 37 W for 288 VA1 (36864 channels); • voltage gain 7.0 mV/fC  output saturation at ~ 10 MIP. S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

9 Tracking system electronics
General characteristics: • segmentation/redundancy of power and functional sections; • devices qualified for radiation hardness (TID, SEE); • compact mechanical assembly; • limited total power consumption (63 W); • limited data bandwidth occupation (~ 10 Gbyte/day available). ADC stage: • 36 ADC sections, 1 ADC / ladder; • ADC are operated in parallel at 0.5 Msps; • event acquisition time 2.1 ms. DSP stage: • 12 DSP on 2 boards, 1 DSP/view (ADSP2187L); • control logics on FPGA chips (A54SX); • typical data compression factor 15  ~ 4 kbyte/event; • typical compression time 1.1 ms. flight data calibration physics run S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

10 Tracker performances Preliminary analysis of a sample of data taken in ~12 hours of flight. Data show that the tracking system is working nominally as expected. Thermal environment. Noise performances. Cluster multiplicity and total signal. Signal correlation between X and Y views. Signal/noise. Charge discrimination capabilities. Spatial resolution. Momentum resolution. S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

11 Temperatures in flight
After power-up temperature remains stable: < 1º C variations along orbit; < 10º C difference between PAMELA off and on. Heat from VA1 on hybrids radiated to the magnetic tower: black IR absorbing painting on the walls; heat released from magnetic tower to cooling loop (liquid iso-octane). At power-up: 21º C (5000 s ~ 0.9 orbits) 8 days after power-up: 28º C (10000 s ~ 1.8 orbits) S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

12 Noise in flight Pedestal Noise X view (DSP 6) Y view (DSP 3)
Noise performance is nominal, as can be seen for a typical calibration taken in flight. Y (ohmic) view has worse performance because of double metallization. Pedestal X view (DSP 6) Y view (DSP 3) flight data flight data Noise X view (DSP 6) Y view (DSP 3) flight data flight data N ~ 4 ADC counts N ~ 9 ADC counts yellow line = ground data average S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

13 Cluster characteristics
one plane all planes flight data - preliminary all planes flight data - preliminary one plane flight data - preliminary Cluster inclusion cuts: S > 7 N (seed), S > 4 N (neighbours). S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

14 Signal/noise ratio Signal/noise ratio, calculated as Σ(S/N) over the cluster channels. This sample contains also non-MIP cosmic rays (He etc.). Typical average signal/noise measured at beam-test for orthogonally incident MIP: 56 (X view) 26 (Y view) flight data - preliminary plane 1 S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

15 Charge discrimination
beam–test data Full charge discrimination capabilities studied with beam-test data (GSI Darmstadt, 2006). Fragmentation of 12C projectiles on different targets (Al, polyethylene). Single-channel saturation at ~ 10 MIP affects B-C discrimination. events Good H-He charge discrimination capability. flight data - preliminary He H magnetic rigidity R = |pc/Z| all planes average cluster signal S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

16 Spatial resolution Critically depends on the signal/noise ratio.
Resolution for junction (X, bending) view determines the momentum measurement. Beam-test data - orthogonally incident MIP Best spatial resolution obtained with non-linear η algorithm for normally incident MIP. Resolution measurement and sensor alignment done at the last beam test of the flight model with protons of known energies (CERN SPS, 2003). Whole-tracker alignment checked with cosmic-rays collected at ground level during final qualification tests (INFN Rome “Tor Vergata” laboratories, 2005). In flight: alignment parameters will be checked with high-energy electrons after collecting a sufficient statistical sample (at least 3 months of data taking). sx = (2.77 ± 0.04) mm sy = (13.1 ± 0.2) mm S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

17 Momentum resolution MDR ~ 1 TV
Measured at beam test with protons of known momentum (CERN SPS, 2003). In flight cross-check with E measured by calorimeter for high-energy electrons. MDR ~ 1 TV mult. scatt. spat. resol. X magnetic rigidity R = |pc/Z| magnetic deflection η = 1/R = |Z/pc| S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

18 Flight data: 10 GV electron with electr. shower
S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

19 Flight data: 1.56 GV positron with electr. shower
S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

20 Flight data: 36 GV proton with hadronic shower
S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

21 Flight data: 18 GV antiproton without shower
S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

22 Flight data: 9.7 GV He nucleus without shower
S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

23 Conclusions PAMELA is taking data since 11 July 2006.
• Up to now >900 Gbyte of data downlinked to ground. • Acquired ~ 90 · 106 events. • Apparatus operating also within radiation belts (SAA). Magnetic spectrometer on-flight performances are nominal. Data processing and analysis tools have been developed and used; they are now being finalized. Next step: systematic data analysis. Precise determination of detector characteristics. Application to physics research items. trigger rate S. Ricciarini – PAMELA Silicon Tracker – Vertex 2006, Perugia 28 September 2006

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