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Brexit and the UK Economy

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Presentation on theme: "Brexit and the UK Economy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brexit and the UK Economy
In 15 Charts

2 Quarterly growth and levels of GDP for the UK
Source: ONS

3 CPI 12-month inflation rate for the last 10 years: September 2006 to September 2016
Source: ONS

4 Male and Female Employment Rates in the UK from 1971 to 2016
Source: ONS

5 Non-UK nationals working in the UK labour market
Source: ONS

6 Growth Rates of Components of UK Aggregate Demand before, during and after the global downturn
Source: ONS

7 UK unemployment rates by region, seasonally adjusted, June to August 2016
Source: ONS

8 Average UK house price, January 2005 to August 2016, not seasonally adjusted
Source: ONS

9 Productivity: Constant price GDP per hour worked for G7 countries, 2000 to 2015
Source: IMF

10 Quarterly growth of GDP and GDP per head for UK
Source: ONS

11 Economic Growth for the UK and the EU(28)
Source: ONS

12 UK Bond Yields during 2016 Source: HM Treasury

13 Sterling Exchange Rate (as an index number)
Source: Bank of England

14 UK Trade Balances By Sector (% of GDP)
Source: ONS

15 UK Current Account Components (% of GDP)
Source: Bank of England

16 Contributions to CPI Inflation (%)
Source: ONS

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