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Vocabulary! Schroeder 2014.

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1 Vocabulary! Schroeder 2014

2 ANALYZE Definition: break something down into its parts
Synoyms: examine, study, scrutinize, explore RHYME: An-a-lyze, break it down, down, down, Then explain what you found, found, foud.

3 Vocabulary Map Write the word: ANALYZE
Write the definition: BREAK DOWN Write a synonym: EXAMINE Write an antonym: opposite meaning Write the word here, in color: ANALYZE Use the word in a sentence that shows its meaning Draw a picture showing the meaning of the word

4 ARTICULATE Definition: Express clearly
Rhyme: Articulate and say it well, Be as clear as a bell.

5 CITE DEFINITION: Note, quote, refer to, point out
Synonyms: quote, name, mention RHYME: cite is about, Pointing things out!

6 COMPARE Definition: find likenessess between two or more things.
Rhyme: Compare to find things the same, See how many you can name!

7 CONTRAST Definition: find differences between two or more things.
Rhyme: Contrast to find different things See how many you can bring!

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