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Institut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy

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Presentation on theme: "Institut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy
The Benchcan project WP7: Benchcan manual Dr Mahasti Saghatchian Frédérique Thonon

2 The Benchcan project Objective: to benchmark comprehensive cancer care and yield best practices examples in a way that contributes to improving the quality of interdisciplinary patient treatment Key issues: Comprehensiveness of care National differences in health care system Taking into account the patient experience

3 WP7: Benchcan manual Production of a manual for the cancer centres participating in the program in a common and easy-to-use format Specific objective of the project: to maximise knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices between providers of comprehensive cancer care in member states and regions To be integrated in the Accreditation and Designation manual and as a stand-alone tool

4 Structure of the manual
Introduction About Benchmarking CCC in centres and services The 13-steps guide Templates for centres and services FAQs References

5 Input

6 Partners in the work package
OECI Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) Health Cluster Net PANAXEA Alleanza contro il cancro National Institute of Oncology European Cancer Patients Coalition Aghii Anarghiri Cancer and General Hospital All pilot sites

7 Validation of the manual
The pilot sites Advisory board ECPC OECI

8 Milestones Comparative analysis of similar projects
April 2014 Structure and content of manual October 2014 Assessment of compatibility of BENCHCAN with the OECI Accreditation program and EurocanPlatform WP12 April 2015 Draft manual peer-reviewed February 2016 Manual is made available online April 2016

9 Thank you for your attention

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