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Presentation on theme: "MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY LAB MEDI 3101"— Presentation transcript:


2 GENERAL REVISION Gram Stain. Acid Fast Stain. Endosperm Stain.
Capsule Stain. Flagella Stain. Motility test. Catalase test. Oxidase test. Urease test. Coagulase test. Gelatin liquefaction test. Starch hydrolysis test. IMViC tests. Nitrate reduction test. Single media / Multiple tests. Selective and Differential media. Oxidation Fermentation medium.

3 Bacterial Staining Differential Stains: Special Stains: Gram Stain.
Acid Fast Stain. Special Stains: Endospore Stain. Capsule Stain. Flagella Stain.

4 Gram Stain Gram Positive bacilli cocci Gram Negative bacilli cocci

5 Gram Positive bacilli

6 Gram positive cocci

7 Gram positive cocci

8 Gram positive cocci

9 Gram negative bacilli

10 Gram negative cocci

11 Acid Fast Stain Ziehl neelson method

12 Acid Fast bacilli

13 Endospore Stain Schaffer Fulton method

14 Endospore Stain Schaffer Fulton method

15 Capsule Stain Gin’s method Anthony’s method

16 Capsule Stain I. Gin’s method

17 Capsule Stain II. Anthony’s method

18 Motility test Semisolid media Flagella stain Hanging drop technique

19 Motility test I.Semisolid media

20 Motility test II. Flagella stain (leifson method)

21 Motility test II. Flagella stain (presque isle method)

22 Motility test III.Hanging drop technique

23 Biochemical tests Catalase test. Oxidase test. Coagulase test.
Gelatin liquefaction test. Starch hydrolysis test. Urease test. IMViC tests. Nitrate reduction test. Single media / Multiple tests. Selective and Differential media. Oxidation Fermentation medium.

24 Catalase test

25 Oxidase test

26 Coagulase test Tube method Slide method Negative Positive Negative

27 Gelatin liquefaction test
Nutrient Gelatin

28 X- Ray or Gelatin Film test
The organism on the left does not hydrolyze gelatin and, therefore, no clearing of the gelatin film is seen. On the right, the portion of the strip submersed in the organism suspension has cleared, indicating gelatin hydrolysis.

29 Starch hydrolysis test
Positive Negative

30 IMViC tests: Indole production test. Methyl Red test.
Voges-Proskauer test. Citrate Utilization test.

31 Indole production test
Negative Positive

32 Methyl Red test Negative Negative Positive

33 Voges-Proskauer test Positive Negative

34 Citrate Utilization test
Positive Negative

35 Urease test Negative Positive

36 Nitrate reduction test

37 Single media / Multiple tests
SIM medium. Kliger's Iron agar (KIA). Triple Sugar Iron agar (TSIA). Lysine Iron agar (LIA). Motility Indole Ornithine (MIO) medium.

38 SIM medium

39 SIM medium

40 SIM medium


42 Lysine Iron agar (LIA)

43 Motility Indole Ornithine medium

44 Selective and Differential Media
I. Eosin Methylene Blue agar ( EMB ). II. Mannitol Salt Agar ( MSA ). III. MacConkey Agar. ( MAC ).

45 MacConkey agar MacConkey agar will inhibit the growth of gram positive with the exception of Enterococcus and some spp. of Staphylococcus And allow gram negative to grow.

46 Mannitol Salt agar Staph. epidermidis Staph. aureus

47 Mannitol Salt agar

48 Escherichia coli on L-EMB agar

49 Lactose non-fermenter on L-EMB agar

50 Lactose fermenter on L-EMB agar

51 Oxidation Fermentation medium
B C A. Green in both tubes indicates that the organism cannot metabolize glucose. B. Oxidative metabolism indicated by yellow in the aerobic tube and green in the anaerobic tube. C. Both tubes yellow indicate fermentation only

52 Blood agar Hemolysins are exotoxins produced by bacteria which cause lysis of red blood cells in vitro.

53 Chocolate agar

54 Novobiocin test Novobiocin is an antibiotic that many Staphylococcus strains are sensitive to with the exception of one , Staph. saprophyticus that is risist to novobiocin antibiotic.

55 Bacterial Oxygen Requirements


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