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Community Organizing/Building and Health Promotion Programming

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1 Community Organizing/Building and Health Promotion Programming
Chapter 5 Community Organizing/Building and Health Promotion Programming

2 Chapter Objectives (1 of 2)
After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the terms evidence, evidence-based practice, and socio-ecological perspective. Define community organizing, community capacity, community participation, and empowered community. Identify the assumptions that underlie the process of community organization. Briefly explain the differences among planning and policy practice, community capacity development, and social advocacy strategies to community organization. Explain the difference between needs-based and strengths-based community organizing models. List the steps for a generalized model for community organizing/building.

3 Chapter Objectives (2 of 2)
Explain what community building means. Explain the difference between health education and health promotion. State and summarize the steps involved in creating a health promotion program. Define the term needs assessment. Briefly explain the six steps used in assessing needs. Explain the difference between goals and objectives. List the different types of intervention strategies. Explain the differences among best practices, best experiences, and best processes. Explain the purposes of pilot testing in program development. State the difference between formative and summative evaluation.

4 Introduction (1 of 2) Evidence-based Practice
Systematically finding, appraising, and using evidence as the basis for decision making Evidence – the body of data that can be used to make decisions

5 Introduction (2 of 2) Socio-ecological approach to behavior change
Interaction between and interdependence of factors within and across all levels of a health problem Behavior has multiple levels of influence Behavior change usually a combination of individual and environmental/policy-level interventions

6 Community Organizing/Building
Community health problems range from small to complex Community organizing Process through which communities are helped to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals they have collectively set Not a science, but an art of consensus building

7 Community Organizing/Building Terms
Community capacity Empowerment Grassroots participation Macro practice Participation and relevance Social capital

8 Need for Organizing Communities
Changes in community social structure have lead to loss of a sense of community Advances in electronics Communications Increased mobility Community organizing skills extend beyond community health

9 Assumptions of Community Organizing
Those who organize communities do so while making certain assumptions

10 Community Organizing Methods (1 of 2)
No single preferred method Planning and policy practice, community capacity development, and social advocacy All incorporate fundamental principles Start where the people are Participation Create environments in which people and communities can become empowered as they increase problem-solving abilities

11 Community Organizing Methods (2 of 2)
Reproduced from Minkler, M., and N. Wallerstein (2012). “Improving Health through Community Organization and Community Building: Perspectives from Health Education and Social Work.” In M. Minkler, ed., Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare, 3rd ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 44. Reprinted with permission. Community organization and community building typology

12 Recognizing the Issue Initial organizer
Recognizes that a problem exists and decides to do something about it Gets things started Can be from within or outside of the community Grass-roots, citizen initiated, bottom-up Top-down, outside-in

13 Gaining Entry into the Community
Organizers need: Cultural sensitivity, cultural competence, cultural humility Organizers need to know: Who is causing problem and why; how problem has been addressed in past; who supports and opposes idea of addressing problem; who could provide more insight Gatekeepers

14 Organizing the People Executive participants Leadership identification
Recruitment Expanding constituencies Task force Coalition

15 Assessing the Community
Community building Needs assessment vs. mapping community capacity Community assets Primary building blocks Secondary building blocks Potential building blocks

16 Determining the Priorities and Setting Goals
Criteria to consider when selecting priority issue Problem must be winnable Must be simple and specific Must unite members of organizing group Should affect many people Should be part of larger plan Goals written to serve as guide for problem solving

17 Arriving at a Solution and Selecting Intervention Strategies
Alternate solutions exist for every problem Probable outcomes Acceptability to the community Probable long- and short-term effects Costs of resources

18 Final Steps Implementing Evaluating Maintaining Looping Back

19 Health Promotion Programming
Important tool for community health professionals Health education – part of health promotion Health promotion – more encompassing than health education Program planning May or may not be associated with community organizing/building Process by which an intervention is planned

20 Creating a Health Promotion Program
Involves a series of steps Success depends on many factors Experienced planners use models to guide work Before process begins, important to understand and engage priority population (audience) Priority population – those whom the program is intended to serve

21 Assessing Needs of the Priority Population
Determining purpose and scope of needs assessment Gathering data Analyzing data Identifying risk factors linked to health problem Identifying program focus Validating prioritized need

22 Setting Appropriate Goals and Objectives
Foundation of the program Portions of the programming process are designed to achieve the goals by meeting the objectives

23 Goals Provide overall direction for the program
Are more general in nature Do not have a specific deadline Usually take longer to complete Are often not measured in exact terms

24 Objectives (1 of 2) More precise than goals
Steps to achieve the program goals The more complex a program, the more objectives needed Composed of who, what, when, and how much

25 Objectives (2 of 2) Data from Deeds, S. G. (1992). The Health Education Specialist: Self-Data from Study for Professional Competence. Los Alamitos, CA: Loose Cannon Publications; Cleary, M. J., and B. L. Neiger (1998). The Certified Health Education Specialist: A Self-Study Guide for Professional Competence, 3rd ed. Allentown, PA: National Commission for Health Education Credentialing; and McKenzie, J. F., B. L. Neiger, and R. Thackeray (2017). Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer, 7th ed. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

26 Creating an Intervention that Considers the Peculiarities of the Setting
Activities that will help the priority population meet the objectives and achieve the program goals The program that the priority population will experience May be several or a few activities

27 Intervention Considerations
Multiplicity Dose Best practices Best experience Best processes

28 Implementing the Intervention
Implementation Putting a planned program into action Pilot test Trial run‒implementation to a small group Determine problems and fix before full implementation Phasing in Step-by-step implementation; implementation with small groups

29 Evaluating the Results
Determine the value or worth of an object of interest Evaluation should occur during first steps of program development Formative evaluation Summative evaluation Impact evaluation Outcome evaluation

30 Steps to Evaluation Engage stakeholders Describe the program
Focus on the evaluation design Gather credible data Justify conclusions Ensure use and share lessons learned

31 Discussion Questions How would you explain the difference between health education and health promotion? How can community members work together to solve health problems?

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