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Islington School Improvement Service

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1 Islington School Improvement Service
Anthony Doudle: Head of Primary 1

2 Islington Schools: 93% of primary schools are now judged “good or better” 100% of secondary schools are judged “good or better” 100% of special schools are judged “good or better” Ofsted judgements include: Leadership and management Teaching and learning Behaviour and safety Achievement Overall Effectiveness

3 Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy:
Champion for children - addressing inequality, promoting fairness and ensuring best possible life experiences and outcomes Catalyst - bringing stakeholders together through shared vision and building effective partnerships to best meet need Commissioner - making best use of resources available through joint planning and commissioning ensuring cost effective delivery either in-house or through external providers

4 Islington Community of Schools:
be a community which includes all schools and settings and the local authority and promotes cohesion across the borough to achieve the best for children and young people set a clear and compelling vision and narrative for the borough, how this will be achieved and what the resource implications are be the champion for the most vulnerable and ensure that there is sufficient resource to support those schools and settings that most need it. be brave and confident in setting benchmarks for quality and standards based on solid research and ambition for continuous improvement set out the ‘must haves’ to achieve the vision, who will deliver them and how they will be funded know the things that everyone needs; the things that only some need, or that everyone needs only some of the time and agree how this will be provided Islington has a de-delegated School Improvement Service (SIS) that provides support and challenge to a variety of educational settings across the borough. Educational settings and School Improvement work together in effective partnerships to foster the Islington Community of Schools and in doing so we are able to:

5 School Improvement Service:
Our service promotes improving outcomes for Children and Young People in Islington by supporting with leadership and management, improving teaching and learning within the Islington Community of Schools and as a broker of developing school to school support and capacity building for the future.

6 Our services include: Bespoke support as identified in the Work in Support Schools (WiSS) Establishing School Improvement priorities and support required Broker school to school support and challenge Building capacity to enable school improvement to be sustained Using data effectively to support school improvement Drawing on best practice locally, nationally and internationally Supporting schools to ensure pupils have access to high quality teaching and learning Supporting school leaders to influence change through coaching and mentoring Access to teaching and learning consultant support Bespoke support and service to develop leadership capacity

7 Benefits of choosing us:
Access to a skilled and experienced team with experience of school leadership A proven track record of sustained school improvement A partnership approach, creating bespoke solutions for schools Expertise in developing middle and aspiring leaders A creative team that can assist schools to overcome educational challenges

8 Co-ordinated services:
Heads of various services meet each week to review schools and keep each other abreast of school and local authority issues


10 Provide a wide range of training opportunities across Islington Schools
NQT Network meetings Subject leaders DH HT Assessment Subject led focus meetings/training – grammar, maths, phonics etc

11 Outcomes KS2 2015: Reading Writing Maths GPS RWM All 91.0 88.0 89.0
83.0 No SEN 97.0 94.0 93.0 SA 70.0 79.0 SA+(K) 76.0 64.0 69.0 57.0 51.0 National 68.0 45.0 43.0 St (E) 39.0 27.0 36.0 25.0 24.0 30.0 21.0 26.0 20.0 16.0

12 Outcomes Phonics Y1 2015: Islington National No SEN 84.0 83.0 SEN
27.0/44.0 42.0 EHCP 19.0 18.0

13 What Ofsted has said The school has received invaluable support from the local authority. Since the last inspection, local authority staff have provided a wide range of helpful consultancy and advisory support. This has also led to local authority investment to rebuild the school premises on an adjacent site. Guidance from other schools in and beyond the partnership has supported improvements in the teaching of mathematics. The local authority has challenged the school to improve and supported the development of phase leadership. School leaders have successfully coordinated and balanced different sources of external support. As a result, these have had a very positive impact on the progress the school has made to tackle the weaknesses identified at the last inspection. The local authority has an accurate and detailed knowledge of the school.

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