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Implementation Plan Ronald Drimmel (Project Manager)

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation Plan Ronald Drimmel (Project Manager)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation Plan Ronald Drimmel (Project Manager) INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino The GAIA mission The Italian participation in the DPAC Consortium ASI contract I/037/08/0 First Progress Meeting (PM1) ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008

2 Context of Italian Participation: DPAC
Formation of DPAC in 2006 DPAC “Response to the ESA’s AO for Gaia data processing” approved by SPC in May of 2007. Top-level DPAC WPs defined Formation of eight “CUs” DPAC Executive as top-level executive body DPAC SRR completed end of 2007 The Italian participation is fully integrated in DPAC. ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 2

3 Context of Italian Participation: MLA
Multi-Lateral Agreement between ESA and lead funding agencies signed in February 2008 MLA defines “main deliverables” of signatories. MLA establishes a Gaia MLA Steering Committee (SC) MLA SC establishes funding for three new DPAC Project Office positions. ASI Contract represents first direct funding of the Italian participation in Gaia, and is in-line with the MLA. ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 3

4 Italian Deliverables:
SW systems for astrometric verification, including Basic Angle Monitoring device daily processing and the astrometric instrument model. Italian DPC to host the above systems. Instrument Model of the payload used in simulations, sensitivity analysis and monitoring during operations. SW systems for the absolute calibration of the Gaia photometry, together with support for ground-based observations of standard sources and provision of an initial source list. ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 4

5 Italian Participation in DPAC
Second largest contribution in terms of FTE per country. Currently FTE total (9.3 FTE in contracts) Contributions in all but one of eight CUs. Largest contribution in astrometric and photometric data processing. Detailed membership list and FTEs given in Contract (?) Activity (travel, HW, and contracts) is mainly supported by this ASI Contract ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 5

6 Activity covered by ASI Contract
funds for travel, meetings HW (mainly for DPC) for development at least 10 contracts Public Outreach Support for DPAC management ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 6

7 Italian Participation: CU profile
2 3 4 5 7 8 FTE: 2.6 7.8 3.4 8.2 4.1 FTE per CU ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 7

8 Italian Participation: CU profile
sede TO BO CT NA PD RM-TE FTE: 15.4 5.4 2.9 2.1 2.6 3.4 FTE per sede ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 8

9 DPAC WBS Organized by CU Each CU having 10 – 15 top-level WPs
Each top-level WPs broken down in numerous sub-WPs Each WP has a manager who is the “prime responsible” WPs not assigned to institutes, but individuals (from many institutes) are assigned to WPs. CU managers responsible for assigning WP management roles and defining CU membership. ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 9

10 “Italian” Work Packages
DPAC top-level WPs managed by an Italian participant DPAC top-level WPs with significant Italian participation additional WPs needed for ASI contract: Reporting Managing resources Public outreach (divulgazione) Total of 27 WPs ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 10

11 ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008

12 Implementation Plan: structure of document
Applicable and Reference documents Acronyms and definitions Introduction Managent roles Work Package Descriptions Project Schedule Milestones and deliverables Summary delivery schedule for DPC-T ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 12

13 Implementation Plan: WP descriptions
ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 13

14 Italian MLA Deliverable - WP mapping
WPs A. Astrometric verification GWP-M-340 B. Italian DPC GWP-M-T01, GWP-O-T10, GWP-T-T02 C. Instrument Model GWP-M-230 D. Absolute photometric calibration, observations, initial source list GWP-M-513, GWP-M-514, GWP-M-335 ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 14

15 Project Schedule ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD
ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 15

16 DPAC Schedule: Organized in 6 month development cycles
ASI Contract covers cycles 5 through 8 (end May 2010). Next major review: Critical Design Review, June 2009 All DPC Development Plans due All SW and DPC Test Plans due All SW Design Documents due DPAC Operations Plan and End-to-end Test Plan due End-to-end DPAC testing starts in cycle 9, ends in cycle 10, marking the end of the development phase for DPAC ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 16

17 Contract Schedule Start 7/10/2008 (Kickoff) Contract milestones:
KO, 4 Progress Meetings, one Final Meeting Other than normal reporting, formal deliveries include: Implementation Plan DPC Feasibility Study Italian DPC Implementation Plan (“piano di sviluppo”) End (latest) 7/12/2008 ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 17

18 Phasing the schedules latest date of Final Meeting after End-to-end Testing starts Contract does not cover cost of HW that may be needed to support End-to-end testing. DPC support needed to support End-to-end testing and Operations will be defined in the Italian DPC Implementation Plan. (Necessary input for new funding from ASI!) To assure continuity in support Italian DPC, the Italian DPC Implementation Plan well before the end of the current ASI Contract! (Not later than PM4.) There is some motivation to anticipate last Contract Milestones! ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 18

19 Conclusions ? ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD
ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008 19

20 ASI contract I/037/08/0 – PM1 - RD
ASI HQ, Roma, 5 Sep 2008

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