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Contexts of Communication

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1 Contexts of Communication
Unit ONE

2 Intrapersonal Communication
The meaning we create within ourselves is called intrapersonal communication. We think to ourselves in words and images. We create meaning within ourselves. Before we communicate with others, we create within ourselves the meaning that we want to transfer with our message. Intrapersonal Communication

3 Intrapersonal communication takes place when we think about the messages others send us. Without intrapersonal communication, no communication would be possible. Intrapersonal Cont.

4 Small-group communication
Interaction between 4-6 people. Requires the following conditions: Leadership Equal sharing of ideas Peer pressure Roles & norms Focus on a common goal One of the most important communication settings. It exists everywhere family, interview teams, work groups, military teams, business groups. Small-group communication

5 Organizational Communication
Focuses on inter- personal, small-group, public and mass communication as they interact in a complex, multi-group setting. E.g. business, government, and educational institutions Organizational Communication

6 Intercultural Communication
Sometimes called “cross- cultural communication” This context describes what happens when the sender of a message is from a different cultural background than the intended receiver. E.g. a person can communicate with someone who does not share the same culture; communicating across social sub-groups Intercultural Communication

7 Interpersonal Communication
This occurs in contexts where two or more people actively participate in exchanging messages. A conversation, a small group discussion, an interview—all are examples of interpersonal communication. The largest group that allows interpersonal communication among all members is about people. Interpersonal Communication

8 Person to Group Communication
This level of communication is usually called public speaking. In this level of communication, one person is typically labeled the “speaker” and the other people are called the “audience.” The members of the audience are typically not addressed as individuals. Instead, the speaker tends to address the audience as one “receiver.” Examples include lectures, reports, speeches, etc. Person to Group Communication

9 Mass media uses technology to communicate the same message to very large groups of people. Printing enabled thousands and millions of people to receive the same message. Electronic media allowed thousands and millions to receive the same message at the same time.The Internet allows an audience to interact with the developer of the message. Mass Media

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