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Military Aircraft Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Military Aircraft Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Aircraft Systems

2 Air-to-Surface Missiles
Objective: To identify the different types of Air-to-Surface Weapons in service with the Royal Air Force.


4 ALARM Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile Tornado GR4

5 ALARM The Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile (ALARM) is designed to destroy enemy ground-based radar systems in order to suppress enemy air defences. ALARM operates by homing onto the radar energy being emitted by the target radar and can loiter in the area if the radar is switched off. It can be pre-programmed to box-search for specific hostile radars after launch and then attack the highest priority threat.

6 ALARM Dimensions: Length: 4.3m Diameter: 0.24m Span: 0.72m
Weight: 590lbs (260kg) Performance: Range: Classified Speed: Supersonic Sensor: Passive radar homing

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