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Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

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1 Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
Michael Frost

2 Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003

3 Key Elements for National Assembly for Wales/HIW
Provision of healthcare by/for Welsh NHS Bodies Access and availability of healthcare Quality and effectiveness of healthcare Economy and management of healthcare Patient and public information about healthcare Need to safeguard and promote welfare of children

4 HIW Is part of the National Assembly for Wales and has a recognised independence in carrying out its functions Provides public assurance about Welsh NHS funded care and organisations and supports the improvement of the NHS generally

5 HIW Values Focus on the quality and safety of NHS funded care
Strengthen the voice of patients and the public in the inspection of NHS organisations/services Work in partnership with NHS organisations and other inspectorates Disseminate good practice and support continuous learning Be independent, open and transparent Publish information about Welsh NHS funded care that is useful, accessible and supports improvement

6 Disability Discrimination Act 2005
Duty on HIW to comply with the Act in respect of its own policies and procedures. Duty to incorporate into inspection and other activities assessment of Health Service Bodies against the requirements of the Act.

7 Disability Discrimination Act 2005
‘Where audit or inspection bodies have a broader role, such as the inspection or assessment of the general performance of an authority in relation to its service provision, they will need to ensure that the duty is built into their inspection regimes. They will need to ensure that how well the authority meets the disability equality duty becomes part of the inspection/audit process.

8 Framework for Reviews

9 Review Framework NOW 2007 Clinical Governance Guidance
Healthcare Standards

10 Approach from 2007 (1) Inspection against new Welsh Healthcare Standards More emphasis on self assessment - but must be robust and reliable Develop an annual review and assurance process for all NHS organisations Stronger focus on patients’, service users’ and the public’s views about NHS services

11 Approach from 2007 (2) Carry out more thematic reviews in collaboration with other inspectorates More focus on patient pathways and patients’ experience Implement the principles set out in the Concordat Take on responsibility for the regulation and inspection of Private and Voluntary Healthcare in Wales

12 Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
Michael Frost

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