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Civil Engineering/ Hydrotechnical Group

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1 Civil Engineering/ Hydrotechnical Group
FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE Hydropower Amr Ayad, PhD student Civil Engineering/ Hydrotechnical Group Supervisor: Prof. Ziad Shawwash, Hydrotechnical /Civil Engineering. Supervisory Committee: Prof. Robert Millar, Hydrotechnical /Civil Engineering. Prof. Tarek Sayed, Transportation/ Civil Engineering. Dr. Alaa Abdalla, Generation Resources Management, BC Hydro.

2 Background Hydropower:
Def.: Water-directed movable Object generate electricity Outputs depends on: Head- Volume- Efficiency Hydropower: Large scale hydropower - ( >= MW) Small hydropower - (<=10 MW) Micro hydropower - (<100 kw) Run-of-River, In-stream hydrokinetic power, Pumped Storage Others

3 Run-of-river In-stream hydrokinetic

4 Hydropower in Canada: Hydropower in British Columbia:
Started late 1800s [1] Capacity: 70 GW ( almost 55% of total Capacity). Approximately 475 hydroelectric generating plants across the country 355 TWh /year 1 TWh /year of electricity  heat and power 40,000 houses Hydro-Québec, BC Hydro, Toronto Hydro, Manitoba, Ontario Power Hydropower in British Columbia: B C Hydro serves 95% of the population (80% of electricity) - Others: Fortis BC , and large industrial: Alcan, and Teck Cominco (20%). BC Hydro: Capacity: GW (90% Hydropower) 51 TWh/year Hydro plants: 41 [75 dams] - Peace River, Columbia River, (Site C) Several IPPs ( Run-of-rivers, and wind) IPP: Independent Power Producer

5 Activities Operation models (Long-term, med/short-term, Real-time).
Reliability and load uncertainty. Integration of Wind power- IPPs- Pumped Storage. Columbia River Treaty analysis. Flood forecasting. Maintenance scheduling. Decision analysis in extreme events. Dam risk management. System marginal value of water.

6 Achievements Operation models CRT renegotiation Examples of research:
STOM (Ziad, 00) DUCL (Ziad, Siu, Nash, 01) REOM (Alavi, MASc 03) GOM (Fane, MASc 03) Neural Networks for flood forecasting for hydro (Li, MASc 05) GIS for Small Hydro Project Analysis (MASc, Sentlinger 05) RL Multi-reservoir operations model (Abdalla, PhD 07) MIP Maintenance Scheduling (Tang, MASc 07) SDP load uncertainty on AGC units (Mazaregois, MASc 07) Kootenay River System Optimization (Abolghasemi, MASc 08) CRT Modeling (Shabani, MASc 09) Wind Integration, Value of Curtailment (Evans, MASc 09) Wind Integration, Wind Market Impacts & Pump Storage (Rivas, MASc 10) Decision Analysis for High Inflow Events (Zaman, MASc 10)

7 Future Directions Marginal value of water
Uncertainty in flows, markets, loads and renewables Impacts of Wind variability on operations and markets Implementation of environmental and non-power requirements in models Decision analysis in extreme events (droughts or floods) Generation and Transmission Long Term Planning Models Dam risk management

8 Interaction/ Collaboration
Graduate courses Sections on hydropower and wind (CERC 502) Potential to offer graduate courses on hydropower engineering and on modeling of energy system operations MASc., Ph.D. Hosting experts (Seminars –Lectures)


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