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1 dualism

2 The Conceivability Argument
I can conceive of myself existing without my body. If (1), then I could exist without my body. My body could not exist without my body. [So] I am not identical to my body.

3 The Parody Argument I can conceive of Superman (SM) existing without Clark Kent (CK). If (1), then SM could exist without CK. CK could not exist without CK. [So] SM is not identical to CK.





8 For it seems that all determination of movement takes place by the propulsion of the thing moved, by the manner in which it is propelled by that which moves it, and by the qualification and shape of the surface of this latter. 

9 For it seems that all determination of movement takes place by the propulsion of the thing moved, by the manner in which it is propelled by that which moves it, and by the qualification and shape of the surface of this latter. Contact is required for the first two conditions, and extension for the third.  You yourself entirely exclude extension from the notion you have of mind, and touching seems to me incompatible with an immaterial thing.


11 For example, on the supposition that gravity is a real quality, about which we know no more than its power of moving the body in which it occurs towards the centre of the Earth, we find no difficulty in conceiving how it moves the body or how it is united to it; and we do not think of this as taking place by means of real mutual contact between two surfaces. This…has been given us that we may have an awareness of the fashion in which the soul moves the body.






17 The Causal Argument If Cartesian Dualism is correct, then immaterial minds affect the motion of material bodies. If immaterial minds affect the motion of material bodies, then they must exert a force. If immaterial minds exert force, then they must have mass and occupy space. Immaterial minds don’t have mass or occupy space. [So] Cartesian Dualism is incorrect.


19 An event e is causally overdetermined iff there are two distinct and causally unrelated events which are both causes of e.


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