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Contented Cows Give Better MILK

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Presentation on theme: "Contented Cows Give Better MILK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contented Cows Give Better MILK
Your People…Your Profit Richard Hadden, CSP © 2017 Contented Cow Partners, LLC

2 PREMISE Creating a focused, engaged, and capably led workforce is one of the best things you can do for your BOTTOM LINE


4 Why “Contented Cows”?


6 Contented Cow Companies
Grow faster More productive and profitable Better Employee Engagement Lower turnover Recruit more talented employees Create more wealth for their owners

7 Nothing Else Matters Unless
Your farm is an EXCEPTIONAL place to work Your farm has EXCEPTIONAL leadership

8 What makes a great place to work?


10 Do This Make leadership skills a primary qualification for every person in a management or supervisory role

11 The earned consent of followers
Leadership The earned consent of followers

12 Leadership Screen for it Hire it Train it Coach it Reward it

13 Personal Capability - Minimum Requirements
Discretionary Effort Personal Capability - Minimum Requirements DISCRETIONARY EFFORT

14 Engagement What is it? What good is it? How do I get it?



17 Work is contractual… Engagement is PERSONAL

18 Extra Miler – Philip Omayra

19 ASK Exceptional place to work? Positive outlook/attitude?
Farm look good? Clean? Safe? Environment: respect for employees? Speak well of workers? Care about all employees? Their families?

20 Contented Cows Are Committed Enabled Cared About

21 Contented Cows Are Committed

22 Do This Hire for FIT Values, attitudes FIRST THEN, skills, experience

23 Listen | Smile | Care | Say “Thank You”

24 “It’s more important to hire people with the right qualities than
with specific experience.” Bill Marriott

25 Do This Avoid the “just” syndrome

26 Common Farm Hiring Mistakes
Haphazard process – or no process at all

27 Common Farm Hiring Mistakes
Haphazard process – or no process at all Hiring whomever turns up on our doorstep the day we need someone

28 Common Farm Hiring Mistakes
Haphazard process – or no process at all Hiring whomever turns up on our doorstep the day we need someone Hiring family without regard to standards

29 Do This Identify your non-technical fit requirements
Communication skills Rapport building Team orientation Reliability Repetition tolerance Courage Attention to detail Confidence Problem solving Multi-tasking

Free Resource

31 Do This Identify your non-technical fit requirements Don’t compromise
Relevant requirements

32 Do This NEVER stop recruiting

33 Do This Practice RE-RECRUITING

34 The “M” Word

35 So, Millennials, What Matters More?
CEB, Inc. Global Labor Market Survey of 2015 University Graduates

36 Millennials 92% expect to own a home
Cornell University

37 Millennials 70% in the next 5 years
Cornell University

38 US Rural Population 61.1 59.5 53.5 projected

39 5 – 6% rural growth among 30somethings by 2022

40 Do This ID people who grew up rural
Establish relationships with nearby colleges AND with other RURAL colleges – nearby or not

41 Do This Focus on the family Hire spouse as well
Help them find good schools Pay private school tuition More flexible schedules Mortgage assistance

42 Do This Emphasize: Quality of life Healthier pace
Cost of housing and cost of living Safety and security

43 Establish a clear sense of mission
Do This Establish a clear sense of mission

44 "Our mission is to maximize shareholder value and satisfy our customers' needs, while providing our employees a rewarding and productive work environment and conducting our affairs responsibly in the community. We will accomplish this mission by creating a corporate vision of successful growth, by carefully managing our assets and by integrating our businesses through effective planning and allocation of resources."


46 it won’t come out of your horn.
Music If you don’t live it… it won’t come out of your horn. Charlie Parker

47 Do This Ask 5-6 employees: “What are our top 3 business priorities?”
Check for consistency, alignment

48 Contented Cows Are Committed Enabled

49 Learn to speak each other’s language
Do This Learn to speak each other’s language

50 Do This Learn Spanish speaky

51 Do This Help them learn English speaky Onsite classes
Community Schools ESL – churches, etc. speaky

52 Work Must Matter

53 Do This Find creative ways to show people how their work matters

54 Contented Cows Are Committed Enabled Cared About

55 If You Care, You… Tell people the truth Say “thank you” a lot

56 “A man will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.”
Napoleon Bonaparte

57 If You Care, You… Tell people the truth Say “thank you” a lot
“Sit on the footlocker”


59 Eleven Questions What is your name? (I’m not kidding.)
What are you really good at, at work? Outside of work? What do you do for fun, at work? Outside of work? (Be careful ) What are you lousy at? What would you like to do better at work? What are a couple of your strongest passions?

60 Eleven Questions How do you get to work each day? Do you drive? Alone, or with others? Some other form of transportation? How long does it take? Has there been some powerful life experience, good or bad, which impacts your approach to your work? (No need to go into detail, and if there isn’t one, that’s OK). Who and what is most important to you, outside of work? (Don’t pry.) Is there something in particular about you, or your life experience, that especially suits you to serve some need in your work? What are you having trouble with at work, that you could use someone’s help with?

61 If You Care, You… Tell people the truth Say “thank you” a lot
“Sit on the footlocker” Build a community, not just a place to work


63 Do This Feed the troops first

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