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CMS report from FNAL demo week Marco Verlato (INFN-Padova)

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1 CMS report from FNAL demo week Marco Verlato (INFN-Padova)
DataTAG-WP4 meeting 8 October 2002 CMS report from FNAL demo week Marco Verlato (INFN-Padova)

2 iVDGL/DataTAG Demo Week at FNAL
Demos: IST November, Copenhagen SC November, Baltimore Goals: Basic collaboration between European and US grid projects Interoperability between grid domains for applications submitted by users from different virtual organizations Controlled use of shared resources subject to agreed policy Integrated use of heterogeneous resources from iVDGL and EDG testbed domains

3 CMS specific interoperability
Master Site FNAL IMPALA mop_submitter DAGMan Condor-G GDMP UFL VDT Server Batch Queue GDMP …add US & EU sites LB II EDG-CE/CloseSE Batch Queue GDMP EDG-UI PADOVA IMPALA GENIUS RB/JSS BOSS RC

4 From US to EU testbed DOESG certificates should be adopted by MOP master CMS software DAR installation needed on SE close to CE (and NFS mounted) MOP worker site configuration file to be sent to MOP master: (1-1) Stage-in/out jobmanger (SE) or (CE) (1-2) GLOBUS_LOCATION=/opt/globus (1-3) Shared directory for mop files: /shared/cms/MOP (on SE and NFS exported to CE) (2-1) Run jobmanager: (2-2) location of CMS DAR installation: /shared/cms/MOP/DAR, (3-1) GDMP install directory = /opt/edg (3-2) GDMP flat file directory = /shared/cms (3-3) GDMP Objectivity file directory (not needed for CMSIM production) (4-1) GDMP job manager:

5 From EU to US testbed VDT server acts as CE and SE in the same time
VDT client installation required on batch worker nodes (WN’s) EDG certificates accepted by VDT servers (CE’s/SE’s) and clients (WN’s) CMS software EDG-1.2 rpm’s installed on VDT clients (WN’s) EDG Information Providers need to be installed on VDT server to be seen from RB Some additional data management EDG-1.2 tools, not included in VDT server/client packages, need to be installed to be able to use IMPALA_EDG as we do in EDT- CMS testbed: edg-compiler, classads, edg-replica-manager, BrokerInfo rpm’s some missing libglobus*dbg shared libraries Some modifications required to IMPALA_EDG to match with WN’s below private network and ldapsearch versions

6 First results Successful MOP submission from FNAL to EDG-CE/SE at PD (some minor problems for gdmp publication job) Successful IMPALA_EDG submission from EDG-UI at PD to VDT server at UFL (direct submission, no RB matchmaking) with output files registered to CMS Replica Catalogue CMS+EDG sw pacman-ized for US sites and rpm-ized for EU sites WEB pages set up with instructions and links to packages for preparing a site for demos Fruitful collaboration with CMS-US contacts (Anzar A. and Jorge R.) Daily phone meetings scheduled for keeping updated and plan further steps

7 Next steps Register VDT machines to II just set up for the demo
Testing pacman and rpm cache installations Testing submission from EU to US+EU testbeds fully exploiting EDG-RB matchmaking capabilities Testing interoperability among different VO’s (submitting ATLAS jobs to CMS testbed and vice versa) Add more EU and US sites to demo testbed Finalize CMS-GENIUS interface to IMPALA_EDG: Work going in parallel with IMPALA_EDG refinements Implementing job tracking visualization through BOSS queries

8 CMS-GENIUS interface to IMPALA

9 CMS-GENIUS interface to IMPALA

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