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Information Characteristics / Document Segments

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Presentation on theme: "Information Characteristics / Document Segments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Characteristics / Document Segments
Correspondence Collaboration Knowledge bases Ad-hoc Maint. Procedures Service Manuals Parts Catalogues Documentation Tech Doc Marketing Material Annual Reports Packaging Presentation Document Shelf-life, Size, Structure, & Revision Frequency Content-centered Design-centered

2 Information Characteristics / Document Types
Ad-hoc Tech Doc Presentation Small Simple Fast No Shelf-life Content-centered Large Complex Maintained Long Shelf-life Content / Design Mix Small-Medium Size Complex Rarely Updated Medium Shelf-life Design-centered Groupware / Notes Word Processors Internet: SGML Applications Workflow / CM systems Database Applications CD-ROM and Internet: SGML DTP Systems Graphics / Illustration Internet: HTML / PDF Content-centered Design-centered

3 Image-based “page-flippers”
December, 1994 Parts Reference Guide Overview This manual covers all the necessary procedures and tasks associated with the Ford Mustang GT, Model 789-a, manufactured in 1992 out of the Chicago, Ill factory. Model Colors Red, 2 Door (12-d) Blue, 4 Door (42-x) White, Sedan (18-n) Sales Brochure 1.0 Overview 1.1 Basic Models ONE TWO THREE Red Blue White 2 Door 4 Door Sedan 12-d 42-x 18-n Printed Page Small-Medium Size Docs Complex Composition “Design-centered” Page Fidelity Uses Viewer

4 Proprietary Content Viewers
Online “View” Large Complex Long Shelf-life Content / Design Mix SINGLE AUDIENCE Uses Overview This manual covers all the necessary procedures and associated with the Ford Mustang GT, Model 789-a, manufactured in 1992 out Chicago, Ill factory. Parts Reference Guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 Viewer All Users

5 SGML Content / Structure Viewers
Online “Views” Large Complex Long Shelf-life Content / Design Mix MULTIPLE AUDIENCES Uses Overview This manual covers all the necessary procedures and associated with the Ford Mustang GT, Model 789-a, manufactured in 1992 out Chicago, Ill factory. Parts Reference Guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 Viewer Novice Expert

6 Delivery Needs: Low- and High-function Requirements
User Interface Delivery Media Hardware Platforms Scaleability / Performance Features Languages CD Web LAN One Windows, UNIX, Mac Windows Fast for Large Docs Slow for Small Docs High Function Many Few All One Customizable Fixed Low Function

7 Professional Information Publishing Marketplace
Static “Page-flippers” Proprietary Content Viewers Dynamic SGML Viewers Panorama DynaText GTI Publisher High Function Low Function World View Frame Viewer Guide Folio Views Mosaic NetScape Acrobat Envoy Common Replica MS MM Viewer MS Help

8 Static “Page-flippers” Proprietary Content Viewers
Where the Vendor Solutions are Evolving Static “Page-flippers” Proprietary Content Viewers Dynamic SGML Viewers Panorama DynaText GTI Publisher High Function Low Function World View Frame Viewer Guide Folio Views Mosaic NetScape Acrobat Envoy Common Replica MS MM Viewer MS Help

9 Static “Page-flippers” Proprietary Content Viewers
Technology Obstacles Static “Page-flippers” Proprietary Content Viewers Dynamic SGML Viewers Panorama DynaText GTI Publisher High Function Low Function World View Frame Viewer Guide Folio Views Mosaic NetScape Acrobat Envoy Common Replica MS MM Viewer MS Help

10 The Economics of Professional Information Publishing
SGML Proprietary Content Viewers Costs Page-flippers Time

11 Cost / Benefits of Page-flippers
Low Investment and Moderate Return The long term economics Costs / Benefit Fixed Cost Benefit Time

12 Cost / Benefits of Proprietary Content Viewers
Fixed Cost Costs / Benefit Benefit Moderate Investment Above Average Return The long term economics Time

13 Cost / Benefits of SGML Solution
The long term economics: costs amortized and superior returns Variable Cost Benefit Costs / Benefit Larger up-front Cost Above Average Return Time

14 DynaText: a Single User Interface to Multiple Data Types
Multi-threaded Graphics Standards Internationalization Modular Compression Rendering Abstract Document Interface The ability to view/search multiple data types through a single user interface is enabled through the ADI architecture: - ADI is an API developed by EBT to separate the browser layer from the document data representation layer. The ADI is Implemented as a set of convenience functions (C++ class libraries) for EBT and our partners to build data-specific browser implementations Moreover, it is EBT sharing a common development strategy and method with our development partners to extend and advance the technology Although EBT is of course implementing the ADI architecture, we must credit Sun with helping EBT to develop the design DynaText 2.3 LAN, CD-ROM Web server HTML Client / Server DynaWeb SGML DynaWeb Electronic Books DynaText 3.0 Raw SGML

15 DynaText SDK: Highly Customizable User Interface
DynaText Library (DTL) / System Developers ToolKit (SDK) Custom Browser Shrink-wrapped DynaText Rendering Graphics Compression Performance Standards Modular Internationalization Abstract Document Interface (ADI) Because the entire ADI architecture is built underneath the SIT, partners and customers can build their own UI on top of the whole thing. Customer browsers will enjoy the same features and benefits of the shrink-wrapped Matterhorn browser. NOTE - we do NOT plan general shipping of the ADI interface to SIT customers until after the initial release of Matterhorn. - we have a separate presentation which goes into more detail on the Matterhorn architecture DynaText 2.3 LAN, CD-ROM Web server HTML Client / Server DynaWeb SGML DynaWeb Electronic Books DynaText 3.0 Raw SGML

16 EBT Proven Success Across Industries
Choice, Flexibility, and Power for the Professional Information Publisher

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