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“Remember the Maine. To Hell with Spain!”

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1 “Remember the Maine. To Hell with Spain!”
Spanish American War “Remember the Maine. To Hell with Spain!”

2 Vocabulary Anglo-Saxonism Isolationism Guerrilla Platt Amendment
Autonomy Protectorate Monroe Doctrine Expansion William Taft Warren G. Harding Williams Jennings Bryan Imperialism Yellow Journalism Autonomy Jingoism Jose Marti William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Emilio Aguinaldo Theodore Roosevelt Alfred T. Mahan William McKinley

3 What is “imperialism”? Economic and political domination of a strong nation over a weaker nation

4 Reasons for U.S. Imperialism
Industrial Revolution Gain raw materials, sell finished products Close of the frontier Looking abroad for economic opportunities Example of European Nations England and other power engaged in imperialist ventures American Nationalism Overseas imperialism a logical continuation of manifest destiny

5 Alfred T. Mahan… “Our economic future depends on acquiring new markets abroad, and protecting those markets with a strong navy”

6 “The Splendid Little War”

7 Focus Question What are the main causes of the Spanish-American War?

8 Causes of the Spanish American War Location, Location, Location
Cuba’s strategic location 90 miles south of FL represented key defense base for the U.S.

9 Causes: Events in Cuba Spanish General “Butcher” Weyler placed civilians in concentration camps. Over 200,000 (mainly women and children) die of hunger and disease.

10 Causes: Investments American investments in Cuban sugar plantations total $50 million American merchants regularly traded with Cuba ($100 M)

11 Jose Marti Organizes Cuban resistance by destroying property especially American Sugar plantation Desire to help rebels achieve a free Cuba… CUBA LIBRE!

12 Revolutionary Sympathy?

13 American Public Opinion

14 U.S.S. Maine

15 Causes: Sinking of U.S.S. Maine
U.S.S. Maine was anchored off of the Cuban coast. US blamed Spain for the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine. It was supposedly blown up by a Spanish mine/torpedo. In reality, the U.S.S. Maine’s coal bunker became so hot that it exploded the gunpowder magazine. Over 200 American sailors and marines were killed.

16 WAR!!! YELLOW JOURNALISM - exciting but untrue stories printed by newspapers to attract more readers and sell papers.


18 Focus Question What are the main causes of the Spanish-American War?
ANSWER: Location, Events in Cuba, US Investments, Cuban Revolt, Revolutionary Sympathy, Public Opinion, Yellow Journalism, Sinking of U.S.S. Maine

19 Focus Question What are the major outcomes of the Spanish American War?

20 Teddy Roosevelt & the "Rough Riders"
Volunteer cavalry regiment. Men from various backgrounds: cowboys, Harvard graduates, immigrants, etc. Battle of Kettle Hill Battle of San Juan Hill

21 Buffalo Soldiers 9th & 10th Cavalry.
Some of the best troops in the US Army. Veterans of the Indian Wars. Fight with Rough Riders at Kettle Hill

22 Battle of San Juan Hill Major battle that decided the war in Cuba.
The battle featured machine guns, barbed wire & other modern battle obstacles. American Victory! Americans occupy Spanish colony of Puerto Rico


24 Battle of Manila Bay May 1,1898 Philippine Islands Major U.S. victory
Casualties: U.S. – 1 ship damaged (1 dead & 9 wounded) Spanish – 7 ships sunk (161 dead & over 200 wounded) US acquires island of Guam

25 U.S. Territories

26 Foreign Policy Debates
Should the U.S. annex the Philippines? Pg. 273 Criterion Points Meaningfully participates in or adds to the debate on three occasions 10 Participates in or adds to the debate on two occasions 9 Participates in or adds to the debate on one occasion 7 Does not participate in or add to the debate


28 Other Outcomes/Consequences of Spanish-American War
Platt Amendment (Cuba) No treaties with foreign nations Allow US naval base Low debt US had right to intervene Foraker Act (Puerto Rico) Established a civil government in Puerto Rico State? Independent? Self-governing commonwealth? Philippine Rebellion Lasted 3 years Led by Emilio Aguinaldo Guerilla warfare 1930s could elect their own President & Congress 1946 – granted independence

29 Focus Question What are the major outcomes of the Spanish American War? ANSWER: US won decisive battles at San Juan Hill, Cuba and Manilla Bay, Phillippines; US acquried Guam, Puerto Rico & Phillippines; Cuba became independent but the U.S. exerted control over foreign affairs

30 Reactions to Imperialism and Colonization
Jose Mari Cuba (1895) Exiled Cuban poet and journalist who organized resistance again Spain using guerrilla tactics; opposed U.S. occupation in Cuba Emilio Aquinaldo Philippines ( ) Fought with U.S. in war against Spain (1899) led Filipino insurrection against U.S. occupation The Boxers China (1900) Chinese secret society that revolted to drive out “foreign devils” Gavrilo Princip Serbia (1914) Member of the Serbian Nationalist group the Black Hand, assassinated Arch duck Franz Ferdinand igniting World War I

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