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What DLESE does for undergraduates

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1 What DLESE does for undergraduates
Katy Ginger Marianne Weingroff

2 Katy – meteorologist, instructional designer, & digital librarian
Undergraduate: choosing science (meteorology) as a career Graduate school: careers other than research and forecasting Professional employment: What I do now

3 Supported by the National Science Foundation
Offers free access to quality online learning materials (tutorials, lesson plans, visuals, data) The geoscience member library of the National Science Digital Library

4 Supports a broad audience of educators and learners: K-12, university, informal education (museums), the public

5 What does DLESE offer? Learning resources about the Earth System
Tutorials, simulations, data visualizations, lab activities, etc. Collections about specific topics (COMET for meteorology)  – Select Browse Resources and Collections to see the full breadth of DLESE resources

6 DLESE may be useful to you…
If you are a student, TA, or teacher looking for good online resources If you develop an educational resource If you are looking for jobs, workshops, conferences, etc. – Select Browse Resources and Collections to see the full breadth of DLESE resources

7 If you are looking for good resources
Library of 12,000 educational resources searchable by: Topic Educational level Resource type Collection Educational standard

8 If you are looking for good resources

9 A simulation

10 A portal

11 A tutorial

12 How do resources get into DLESE?
Users suggest resources that they like We review them & add (‘catalog’) them into DLESE

13 How do resources get into DLESE?
Users with many resources create a collection Submit collection to DLESE for evaluation

14 DLESE is more than a library of resources

15 DLESE is more than a library of resources

16 DLESE is more than a library of resources

17 If you plan to be a TA or professor

18 If you plan to be a TA or professor
Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences July 27-30, 2006, Stanford University, Stanford, CA Early Career Faculty Workshop: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career June 7-12, 2006, College of William and Mary Designing Effective and Innovative Courses in the Geosciences May 31-June 4, 2006, College of the Siskiyous Teaching Public Policy in the Earth Sciences April 20-23, 2006, American Geophysical Union

19 Adding DLESE search to a website
Search over your areas of interest Pre-formed searches It’s in your interface – looks just like your site

20 Our questions for you… How do you use the internet for your classwork? Do you have trouble finding good online resources? Have you ever used a digital library? What services could a digital library provide that would be helpful?

21 Marianne – instructional designer
Am the project lead/instructional designer – run the project and figure out HOW to teach the material Work with staff meteorologist and subject matter experts from around the world who provide the content and work with the ID to write the ‘script’ Work with graphic artists, who create the graphics and animations Hand over the materials to the programmers and testers

22 ASMET project EUMETSAT sponsors a team of meteorology instructors and me (ID) to create CD- based and online modules that help forecasters improve their forecasting skills by making better use of satellite data Ultimate goal: To help African farmers know when to plant, help transportation industries (planes, ships…), etc. Modules are used by: RMTC instructors to augment their teaching Forecasters as self-paced learning in their offices International work is fascinating!

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