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Alhassan shakir, Maeada al-dury

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1 Alhassan shakir, Maeada al-dury
Leukemia In Iraq Alhassan shakir, Maeada al-dury

2 Iraq

3 “General” Health Problems In Iraq
Communicable Diseases: Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) Typhoid Measles Hepatitis E Non-communicable Diseases: Cardiovascular Diseases Cancer Diabetes

4 Health Problems Continued…
ARI and diarrhoea account for 70% mortality among children Typhoid cases have increased due to poor sanitation and poor water supply Measles cases have increased in 2004 after a previous decline

5 Cancers In Iraq The rate of cancer has increased to 1,600 per 100,000 in 2005 The most common cancers are those of the breast, lung, urinary bladder, lymphatic system The majority of cancer cases are detected in late stages, and are thus incurable The radiotherapy facilities which are established in Mosul and Baghdad are outdated and underdeveloped Childhood cancers are 8 to 10 times more common in Iraq than in the west The most common childhood cancer is leukaemia

6 Cancers in Iraq Iraqi Abbas Khassem, 22, lies in bed with a cancerous lung tumor at the Saddam Training Hospital in Basra, southern Iraq. The hospital is not far from the Gulf War battlefields near the Iraq-Kuwait border which was contaminated by low level Irradiation of the 320 tons of depleted Uranium used by the American Forces December 15, 2002

7 Cancers in Iraq Iraqi cancer victim Ahad Abbas, 16, shows his leg December 15, 2002 at the Saddam Training Hospital in Basra, southern Iraq. Abbas has bone cancer on his leg, and lung cancer. The hospital is not far from the Gulf War battlefields. December 15, 2002

8 Leukemia – what is it? Leukaemia is a malignant progressive disease in which the bone marrow and other blood- forming organs produce increased numbers of immature or abnormal leucocytes. These suppress the production of normal blood cells. These abnormal leucocytes are not only influencing the immune response of the body, but they will not even function properly and thus cause the destruction of other types of blood cells. Thus, one of the possible symptoms of leukaemia is anaemia.

9 Other Symptoms of Leukemia
Tiredness Susceptibility to Infections Losing weight without trying Swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen Easy bleeding or bruising Recurrent nosebleeds Tiny red spots in your skin (petechiae) Excessive sweating, especially at night Bone pain or tenderness

10 Depleted Uranium What is it? It is a byproduct formed after enrichment of natural uranium, usually for nuclear energy or weapons Used in conventional munitions by US forces following the 2003 Iraq war Aircrafts and vehicles used DU in populated areas DU in weapons is far more concentrated than that which is found in nature Is attributed to the increase of leukaemia cases since 2003 Research indicates an increase in congenital birth deformations due to DU use

11 Depleted Uranium Continued…
DU emits alpha, beta and gamma radiation Disruptive effect on cellular processes and DNA strands Research has demonstrated that DU exposure is linked to mutagenicity, induces chromosomal damage, induces leukaemia in mice, germ cell DNA damage…

12 “Is It Healthy?” Doctors in hospitals in Basrah and Fallujah report that the first question new mothers ask after birth is not “is it a boy or a girl?“ but “is it healthy?“

13 Treatment of Leukaemia
Chemotherapy – In order to rapidly kill dividing white blood cells or other blood cells affected by leukaemia by admission of certain drugs. Biological Therapy – these help the immune system to recognize abnormal cells and attack. For example these include antibodies, tumour vaccines, or cytokines. Targeted Therapy – Plays with the properties of the cancer cell causing it to die. Radiation Therapy - high energy radiation to target cancer cells. Radiation therapy may be used in the treatment of leukaemia that has spread to the brain

14 Challenges Iraq was said to have one of the best health care systems in the region However, UN placed sanctions and recurrent wars had a detrimental effect Following the 2003 Iraq war, half of doctors emigrated with no intent of returning According to WHO, there are 7.8 doctors per 10,000 people Those doctors who remain are “too specialised” Lack of nurses There is extreme shortage of medicines/basic supplies/equipment

15 Sources: conditions/leukemia/basics/symptoms/con legacy-cancer/193338/ en/index2.html leaves-lasting-impact-healthcare second_edition.pdf?ua=1

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