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2 Mature Students Keele University

3 What is a mature student?
Anyone age 21 or above when enrolling on to their undergraduate course Keele welcomes all students A mature student is not 21, is not 99 – but varied across age groups At Keele we welcome all students from a large variety of backgrounds

4 Support for mature students
Dedicated Contact Sits within the Money and Welfare Team Part of wider team in the Student Services Centre Support detailed online – look when applying Mature students all have a dedicated contact, currently a lady named Katy who sits in the Money and Welfare Team. Dedicated contact can provide assistance and support in a variety of ways. Lots of support is detailed on the website Normally, we tell people to look when applying (on the day the students will be offer-holders, so they research prior to arrival)

5 Keele Mentors Matched once place confirmed at Keele Matched by course
Choice for mature student Contact by Opportunity to meet Mentors matched once students have a place confirmed at Keele Usually matched by course but there is the option to request a mature student as a mentor Contact is initially by Upon arrival – Keele mentoring party (opportunity to meet mentor face-to-face) Up to you if relation continues – mentors trained that students may wish to stop contact here and understand mentoring role ends when student has all information they need Here today on Exhibition stands? Anecdote Had a student who was worried about being oldest on course and potentially at the University, they discussed this with their mentor who was able to ease their concern that this may not be the case (although even if it was, it wouldn’t be a problem). They met, stayed friends and that student believed in the mentor programme, so is now a mentor

6 Support for mature students
Pre-Arrival Event: ForMat Specifically for mature students Mature Student Society (MaSK) Student-led society Facebook group for offer holders Previous activities Contact in Outreach and Support ForMat (For-Mature students event) Ice breaker activities, there’s a marketplace: DDS, library, security etc.; generally there is a campus tour Generally ends in KPA (where staff leave so we don’t “cramp your style”) MaSK Facebook group that offer holders can join. Previous years activities have included bowling, cooking classes and family friendly activities Society has dedicated contact with outreach and support, who have helped in various ways; one previous example is that rooms have been booked during exam period for students who can only be on-campus at specific times to ensure they can work on-campus.

7 Support for mature students
The KPA clubhouse On campus bar for students over the age of 21 and staff Option of living with other Mature Students KPA Has a range of soft drinks; teas coffee and squash, but the KPA pride themselves on range of excellent ales and whiskey please drink responsibly Accommodation Tick box on forms about whether students want to live with other mature students – obviously this dependent on other applicants Some mature students have lived with school leavers and had great time Anecdote One lady who was 67 lived with school leavers, was worried being mother figure, spoke to designated contact – discussed societies and breaking down perceived barriers One evening during welcome week, decided she would go out with her housemates, she knew they were pre-drinking in the kitchen, she spent time in the kitchen but didn’t pre-drink She went out and had an amazing time; To use her quote, she ‘outpartied the young ones’ and really enjoyed time living with students after that

8 Support for student parents
Keele Day Nursery: On campus childcare support 3 months to 5 years Open:  Monday to Friday, open all year Excluding Christmas and Bank holidays Term-time Safeguarding absolute priority – book appointment for tour if any concerns. Staff welcome visitors, they see parents when they are visiting, they don’t require appointments and are always happy to meet families. Keele Nursery advise to get names down as soon as students consider Keele as places tend to fill up prior to arrival Students who have children at the Nursery are only guaranteed the places for term-time of their course (obviously this differs for Medicine etc.)

9 General Support for students
Careers and employability Drop in sessions, up until 3 years after your graduation Get on Up!   Students living off campus or commuting to Keele Keele4all This event offers all Keele students to meet and make friends before their degrees start Careers offer appointments to discuss future careers, interview skills, and have lots of involvement running campus events at the end of the year They are very supportive of Keele staff and alumni Get on Up! Allows students who aren’t living on-campus to get to grips with campus

10 Pre-Arrival Events Get on Up! Keele4all ForMat
Details of Pre-arrival events are put online. This is the webpage – lots of info, updated closer to the time

11 General support for students
Disability and Dyslexia Support Assist with any accessibility issues Counselling and Mental Health Support Support during time at University if needed 121 support, workshops and group sessions. Counselling service is free and confidential

12 Financial Support Money team available in the Exhibition Suite for further information Dedicated contact is within Money and Welfare team Before coming – look at bursaries and scholarships you might be available for online Money team available in exhibition suite today

13 Student Finance You may be able to apply for student finance
The amount you get depends on your family situation and the type of course you’re doing - you may get extra help if you have children Open until 99 yrs of age May be able to apply for this Amount depends on situation – look on calculator (advise people to google student finance calculator 2017)

14 Student Finance Extra student funding You could get: Childcare Grant
Parents’ Learning Allowance Child Tax Credit Adult Dependant’s Grant

15 Your Next Steps Check that you understand Finances available to you
Look out for dedicated contacts or specific support For further information check out our webpage: Look at support at all universities you’re considering applying to We understand you may be giving up employment, may have childcare responsibilities – important to know what’s available to you Look at other universities support, (any considering applying for) not just Keele


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