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Nobunari Kashikawa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

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1 Rest-frame Luminosity Functions Based on The K’-Selected Galaxy Sample on The Subaru Deep Field
Nobunari Kashikawa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) appeared in Kashikawa et al., AJ, 125, 53, 2003

2 Introduction Approach to explore the rest luminosity functions
photo-z → the best-fit SED template for each sample galaxy → the rest-frame luminosity at any z and at any rest-wavelength → less precise but deeper than spectroscopic sample Deep K’-selected sample K’-band → less sensitive to extinction, k-correction, current star-formation & tracing the rest-λ longer than age-sensitive spectral break at 4000Å Subaru Deep Field (SDF) 2’×2’ very deep (K’<25.5) K’-band imaged area B<28.08, V<26.28, R<27.88, I<25.93, z’<24.27, J<25.5 (Vega, 5σ) In this study, 439 galaxy sample with K’<24 we are now conducting a deep (R<28) and wide (34’×27’) follow-up optical imaging

3 Rest-K’ LF no evolution up to z=2.5
old stellar population was already in place by z=2-3 ⇔ Papovich et al. (2002) from stellar-mass estimate “massive present-day galaxies were not fully assembled by z=2.5” save the hierarchical model if “M/LK decreases with z” (Drory et al for z<1.2)  No number evolution for LK selected galaxies Decreases with z for M selected galaxies Bolzonella et al. (2003) no evolution of rest-Ks LF up to z=2 → consistent with our study

4 Rest-UV(2000A) LF consistent with Cowie et al. (1999) @z<1.5 and
Steidel et al. strong evolution (1.0mag brighter) up to z=3.5 shallow faint end The rest-B LF shows mild brightening with epoch up to z=2.5

5 Evolution of Rest UV-K’ color
bluing at any abs. mags. → subsequent SF by more massive galaxies (luminous in K’) are redder at every epoch

6 Star Formation Rate Density
rest UV-LF → SFRD broadly consistent with previous show slight ← due to the shallower faint- end slope of our UV-LF If the slope of the rest z=3 is really as steep as α=-1.6, our K’-selected sample contributes only 42% of the total UV luminosity z=3 58%… → faint blue but uncertainty is large

7 N(z) on SDF Kauffman&Charlot(1988) test for PLE vs. hierarchical model
consistent with previous obs. on K<21 first time to derive N(z) down to K=24 models - taking account of selection function of SDF & dust extinction consistent with PLE on reliable mag. range 22<K<23 hierarchical model shows an apparent deficiency at z>2 KS-test also supports that PLE agree with obs. The N(z) of FIRES (Daddi et al. in this proceedings) down to K=24 is consistent with our study.

8 Subaru Deep Field Project
On-going Subaru Observatory Project to search high-z (4<z<7) populations. Survey: 34’x27’ wide FOV of Suprime-Cam z’<26.5 (9.3hr exp.) NB921(14.0hr exp.) i’<27.1 (11.0hr exp.) NB816(12.0hr exp.) R<27.5 (10.2hr exp.) B<27.8 (11.25 exp.) Follow-up spectroscopy & NIR imaging Discovery of two z=6.6 Lyman-alpha emitters (Kodaira et al. 2003)

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