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First Year Graduate Student Meeting Welcome !!!!

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Presentation on theme: "First Year Graduate Student Meeting Welcome !!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Year Graduate Student Meeting Welcome !!!!

2 Cal Poly Economic Graduate Program
Web page: Cal Poly Office of Graduate Programs: Graduate Student’s Handbook: Personal Adviser will be assigned to each student Graduate Coordinator: Carsten Lange,

3 Here I am which courses do I take?
Conditional Students EC 201, EC 202, Math 125, Sat 120 or EC 322, EC 501 Micro, EC 403 Macro, EC 502 Quantitative (with B or better) Unconditional Students EC 550, EC 551, EC 552, EC 553 or 400 level courses (except EC 401, EC 402, EC 462, EC 463

4 Adviser/Contract Every student will get a personal adviser in 3 weeks
After the first quarter make a contract with your adviser

5 How to Study Work in groups !!! Ask questions
Talk to your instructor if you have problems Talk to your adviser if you have problems. Don’t wait until it is too late Don’t trust rumors

6 Other Activity OAS Simulation
Excursions or Guests (e.g. Federal Reserve) Student Exchange with Germany (12/8 units)

7 Communication Office Hours (by phone or personel)
Online Office Hours (Q&A) Check your Use Cal Poly Provide Bronco ID

8 Requirements 45 units Comprehensive exam (c/nc) + 11 courses
Thesis + 10 courses If you plan to go for a Ph.D. choose thesis

9 All Graduate Student Meeting

10 Cal Poly Economic Graduate Program
Web page: Cal Poly Office of Graduate Programs:

11 Jonathan got Scholarship got President’s Council Scholarships

12 Other Activity OAS Simulation
Excursions or Guests (e.g. Federal Reserve) Student Exchange with Germany (12/8 units)

13 Communication Office Hours (by phone or personel)
Online Office Hours (Q&A) Check your Use Cal Poly Provide Bronco ID

14 Requirements See catalog for complete requirements!!! 45 units
Comprehensive exam (c/nc) + 11 courses Thesis + 10 courses If you plan to go for a Ph.D. choose thesis 4 core, 2 field of specialization (600 or 500 level Environment or Recourses), 4 courses 400 level =10 courses

15 Requirements Core courses can only be used on the contract with B- or better Other corses C+ Contract and Overall GPA must be B or better Every course taken counts for Overall GPA (don’t fail golf courses) this includes courses that have been retaken and IC’s I turns into IC (equivalent to F) in one year Do not enroll in a course again if you have an I

16 How to Graduate Writing Test Writing Test Hold if not met
Graduation Check Fill out Culminating Experience Form Apply for Graduation

17 Disqualification After first quarter below B: Subject to … Adviser Hold After second quarter below B: Disqualified You still can register for third quarter You cannot register for fourth quarter if overall GPA is 9 or more grade point below B => automatic disqualification by the university (e.g. three 4 unit classes with C = 12 points below)

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