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“Using BIM Technology to

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1 “Using BIM Technology to
Reduce the cost of Highway Construction Presented by Tate Jones President LandAir Surveying Company

2 LandAir Surveying Company
About the Firm Professional Surveying License’s in Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina Providing Land Surveying Services since 1988 Transportation Surveying Services since 1998 Providing Laser Scanning Services since 2004 Providing BIM Services Since 2008 We work with all types of Lidar Including Terrestrial, Mobil, Helo, Fixed wing. Work in all Bentley and AutoDesk BIM software's We work with Faro, Leica, and Z&F Scanners

3 BIM…Building Information Modeling
What is the process? Collect all existing survey data in 3D and model it. Build all the proposed Design elements in 3D and create models. Put the data together and measure the results with “CLASH” Detection. Essentially you build the project in a computer prior to building it in the real world. Savings with this process are Significant! Time & Money.


5 Presentation Objectives
What is BIM? Where did it come from? How does BIM Apply to Transportation, Construction & Design? Project work flows. 3D Utilities.. Understand the 3D Data Capture Process Modeling Process Clash Detection Process Benefits & Cost


7 Technology Changing the World of Land Surveying.
Collecting Existing Conditions Technology Changing the World of Land Surveying. 3D Data Collectors Lidar & Photography

8 Future of Aerial Data Capture Is Here
Quad copter Photographic System Fixed Wing System Terrain Mapping Hex copter Bridge Inspection Platform

9 Multiple Lidar Data Platforms
Motor Vehicle Highways Levees Developed Environments Off-Road Karst Topography Beaches Trails We have the ability to place the platform on an vehicle capable of supporting it’s weight. On the Water Coastal Environments / Streams Bridges

10 What is 3D Laser Scanning?
“LiDAR”…..Light Detection and Ranging. High speed lasers. 50,000 – 1,000,000 points per second. Collecting geometric data point. Precisely registered in space. “Point Cloud”

11 Light weight close range scanner
Scanners What are they and What do they look like? Faro Focus Scanner Light weight close range scanner More Laser scanners Riegl VZ 400 Versatile Scanner Z&F 5010

12 Current State of the Science Laser Scanners
Time of Flight Long Range Laser Used outside & Inside Phase Based Scanner High Speed Laser Used Inside This slide are examples of Terrestrial Laser Scanners 6200 Close Range scanner 300,000 PPS Effective Range 30 meters C10 Laser Scanner 50,000 PPS Effective range 100 meters $

13 Scanning and Modeling for Transportation
Interstate Laser scan

14 Simple 1 day Bridge Scan

15 Helicopter Lidar Scan and Surface Model

16 Reconstruction Project ALDOT & LandAir Surveying Company
THE PROJECT 3D Visualization Birmingham Al. CBD Reconstruction Project 3D Analysis by ALDOT & LandAir Surveying Company

17 The Birmingham CBD Project
Entities in the model; Existing roadway and bridges, adjoining mainline, light poles, power lines, roadway elements, columns, bents, footings Geotech information. We used Revit to model substructure and Descartes to model The bridge deck surfaces. This workflow was chosen due to the expertise of the existing cad techs. Modeled areas included 1400 bridge columns, 8 miles of bridges, 1 tunnel, 100’s of light poles, miles of underground utilities, adjoining buildings and improvements within the design envelope.

18 The Project Flow 3D Data Collection using…
Helicopter, Laser Scanner, Fixed Wing, County GIS. Process and check the data all data combined. Produce Standard Bentley InRoads Plans. Model the existing data into useable 3D cad files. Model the future design plans in 3D cad format. Compare the existing and proposed and check for Interference Clash Produce Clash Detection Files Give information to the designers and contractors




22 Models

23 Current Model Existing Conditions of CBD Project

24 The 3D Design Advantages
You can drop a 3D pointcloud into in to Micro Station and design thru the data. You can check the data and the design against the existing conditions. You get all the data not just a 25’ grid that is the standard. You don’t have to return to the field to view the actual conditions. 3D Design files can be built into models and videos to assists in public presentations. The Cost to you Training Computer Software Learning Curve

25 Proposed Design Models

Alabama Department of Transportation I-59/I-20 Bridge Replacement (CBD)

27 Mapping Utilities in 3D

28 Clash Detection

29 Clash Detection Step 1: Overlay proposed design onto asbuilt

30 Clash Detection Step 2: Select sets of elements to clash

31 Clash Detection Step 3: Run the Clash Detection algorithm

32 Clash Detection Hard clashes = 67 Soft clashes = 361
Step 4: Perform “soft clashing” for comparison Hard clashes = 67 Soft clashes = 361

33 Grouping clashes Select clashes and add to a group you create.
Or, allow Navigator to create groups based on which elements are clashing.

34 Grouping Clashes by Element

35 Creating Markups

36 Viewing/Editing Markups

37 Reviewing Clashes

38 Results can be exported into an Excel file.

39 Slide from Published Presentation of Wisconsin DOT

40 What is the ROI of 3D Preconstruction Analysis?
Wisconsin Study Write up by FHWA

41 Mitchell Interchange I 94

42 Mitchell Interchange I 94


44 Sample ROI calculation
The following ROI calculation is meant only to provide a theoretical example. The assumptions and results come from Autodesk Consulting Assumptions: BIM implementation costs average 0.5 percent of the total program budget (average accepted by the industry as standard for major capital projects/programs). Cost overruns in project delivery may usually be reduced by 15 percent (a conservative estimate) from industry average of 20–24 percent, primarily due to a reduction in RFIs, addenda, and engineering change orders. Savings from reduced rework after project close is estimated at 5 percent of program budget. Savings due to better visibility of the contractors’ cost breakdown is factored into both the bidding and negotiation phases, as well as controlling the as-built. An average saving of about 5.5 percent of the total program budget based on industry experience in major capital projects where BIM is implemented. The resulting savings of using BIM on this theoretical program over traditional methods is approximately 4 percent, meaning a return of about 20X the original investment (ROI = 20X). This theoretical ROI calculation may be conservative, as it considers only selected aspects of the savings potential. There are many more aspects (such as reduced work for preparing tender documentation, handling RFIs, and more efficient operation and management). Also, these savings are based on a single program over three years, whereas there are likely to be other programs that will use the BIM

45 Total Cost Savings from Pre Construction 3D Analysis
$9.5 Million Dollars! 30:1 ROI !!! DIN Category Estimated Percent of Reduction Total Cost ($ millions) Average Cost Per Issue General Structures 30.5% 6.8 $45,674 Roadway Drainage 25.5% 5.7 85,631 Wet Utilities/Drainage 11.1% 2.4 27,120 Bridges 8.0% 1.8 15,557 Noise Wall 125,909 Retaining Wall 7.7% 1.7 21,818 Earthwork 4.5% 1.0 59,220 Electrical/IT S/FT MS 2.6% 0.6 Traffic 2.1% 0.5 18,174 Sign Structures 0.1% 0.02 738 Design issue notices (DINs) are changes to the design that become necessary due to conflicts or issues identified during construction.

46 Other Benefits Crane Radius Clash Detection

47 Mobile Scanning Visualization for public meeting

48 Why is BIM becoming main stream?
$9.5 million savings on an interchange project! Most Major Engineering, Construction and Design firms are quickly moving towards BIM technology. Follow the money!

49 LandAir Surveying’s YouTube Channel
Questions or Comments? Tate Jones (770) See more at: LandAir Surveying’s YouTube Channel Good by page




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