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Marcel Dobber EUMETSAT, Darmstadt.

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1 Marcel Dobber EUMETSAT, Darmstadt

2 Experience Instrument system engineer with experience in instrument design, calibration and 0-1b data processing for earth observation satellite instrumentation in the UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR wavelength range. Missions / Instruments: GOME, ERS-2 SCIAMACHY ENVISAT GOME-2 METOP OMI EOSA-Aura TROPOMI Sentinel-5 Precursor Meteosat Third Generation (MTG): Copernicus Sentinel-4 UVN on MTG-S and Lightning Imager (LI) on MTG-I.

3 Publications -       Observations of the moon by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment: radiometric calibration and lunar albedo, M.R. Dobber, A.P.H. Goede, J.P. Burrows, Applied Optics 37 (20 November 1998), -       Ground based zenith sky abundances and in situ gas cross sections for ozone and nitrogen dioxide with the EOS-AURA Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), M.R. Dobber, R. Dirksen, R. Voors, G.H. Mount, P. Levelt, Applied Optics 44 (14), pp (2005). -       Ozone Monitoring Instrument calibration, M.R. Dobber et al., IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens. 44 (5), pp (2006). -       The high-resolution solar reference spectrum between 250 and 550 nm and its application to measurements with the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, M. Dobber, R. Voors, R. Dirksen, Q. Kleipool, and P. Levelt, Solar Physics volume 249, no. 2, , June 2008, DOI /s -       Prelaunch characterization of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument transfer function in the spectral domain, R. Dirksen, M. Dobber, R. Voors, P. Levelt, Applied Optics vol. 45, no. 17, pp (2006). -       Method of calibration to correct for cloud-induced wavelength shifts in the Aura satellite's Ozone Monitoring Instrument, R. Voors, M. Dobber, R. Dirksen, P. Levelt, Applied Optics vol. 45, no. 15, pp (2006).

4 Objectives / Recommendations
Standardisation of on-ground and in-flight calibration techniques, as well as 0-1b data processing . Lessons learnt from other missions for improving current and future missions: instrument design, calibration and 0-1b data processing aspects. Links between Level-2 data product accuracy and Level-1b data product accuracy. 

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