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Potential Flow for inviscid, irrotational flows velocity potential

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1 Potential Flow for inviscid, irrotational flows velocity potential can only exist for irrotational flows curl of gradient = 0 In Cartesian coordinates:

2 In Cartesian coordinates:
Incompressible flows: continuity in terms of the velocity potential: For incompressible, irrotational flows, the governing equation is: Laplace’s equation

3 Potential Flows Although incompressibility is not required for a velocity potential to exist, only incompressible, irrotational flows are called Potential Flows The advantage of using a velocity potential, instead of a velocity vector is that one scalar function can contain all three components of velocity vector Potential function - Points of different clusters fall in separate valleys

4 The stream function ψ is another scalar function that contains all velocity components
For 2-D incompressible flows: Continuity equation: is satisfied if Ψ is differentiable For 2-D irrotational flows: For incompressible & irrotational 2-D flows, ψ satisfies Laplace’s eq. Therefore, for potential flows, both Φ and ψ satisfy Laplace’s eq.

5 Potential Flows Partial differential equation -- elliptic Boundary conditions need to be specified around the entire domain a) Specify at boundaries : Dirichlet boundary condition b) Specify at normal to boundaries : Neumann boundary condition c) Specify at (any linear combination of a) and b)): Robin boundary condition

6 Examples of Potential Flows
Uniform Flow y u x

7 [x,y]=meshgrid(0:.05:2,0:.05:1);
fi=0.5*x; contourf(x,y,fi) xlabel('x','FontSize',14); ylabel('y','FontSize',14); title({'Potential Function for ux'},'FontSize',14); colorbar('FontSize',14);

8 figure psi=-.5*y; contourf(x,y,psi) xlabel('x','FontSize',14); ylabel('y','FontSize',14); title({'Stream Function for -uy'},'FontSize',14); colorbar('FontSize',14);

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