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Google Earth Updates Etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Earth Updates Etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Earth Updates Etc.
GWSA Computer Club Google Earth Updates Etc. Brenda Prine April 10, 2017

2 NASA Earth Observatory
World of Change: 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

3 Google & Climate Change
CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas Other important greenhouse gases Methane Nitrogen oxides Chloro-fluorocarbons Sulfur hexafluoride Nitrogen trifluoride 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

4 Warming Potential of Gases*^
Global Warming Potential Carbon dioxide 1 Methane 25 Nitrogen oxides, ex. of N2O 298 Chloro-fluorocarbons 124 to 14,800 Sulfur hexafluoride 22,800 Nitrogen trifluoride 17,200 * Executive Summary of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: ^ 100 Year Time Horizons 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

5 Methane Project Google Earth Engine Outreach
U.S. Environmental Defense Fund Colorado State University 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

6 Google Methane Project
Use Google GPS monitoring cars Add air sampling devices Add rapid response chemical analysis equipment Generate maps of real-time methane levels within cities 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

7 Cities Monitored Boston, MA Staten Island, NY Dallas, TX
Pittsburgh, PA Syracuse, NY Chicago, IL Los Angeles, CA Jacksonville, FL Mesa, AZ Indianapolis, ID 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

8 Leaks per Mile Boston, MA 1/1 Staten Island, NY 1/1 Dallas, TX 1/2
Pittsburgh, PA 1/2 Syracuse, NY 1/2 Chicago, IL /3 Los Angeles, CA 1/ (4 to 6) Jacksonville, FL 1/9 Burlington, VT 1/10 Mesa, AZ /60 Indianapolis, ID 1/200 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

9 Study Methodology
Video is 3:05 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

10 Guelph Library Tech Resources
Main downtown library Available all hours library is open Have tech support staff if library is open Appointments generally not needed Appointments available during first hour of the day 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

11 Guelph Library Tech Resources
3-D printers (1 larger, 1 smaller) 3-Scanner Scans objects Can work from 360° photographs 3-d Virtual Reality System 4/10/17 Brenda Prine

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