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From: Diagnostic Accuracy of an “Amended” Insulin–Glucose Ratio for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Insulinomas Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(11):767-775. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-157-11-201212040-00004.

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Presentation on theme: "From: Diagnostic Accuracy of an “Amended” Insulin–Glucose Ratio for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Insulinomas Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(11):767-775. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-157-11-201212040-00004."— Presentation transcript:

1 From: Diagnostic Accuracy of an “Amended” Insulin–Glucose Ratio for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Insulinomas Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(11): doi: / Figure Legend: All diagnosed insulinomas were confirmed by surgery and histologic evaluation. Amended insulin–glucose ratios of at least 53.6 (pmol/L)/(mmol/L) were considered abnormally high (12). Date of download: 12/28/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

2 From: Diagnostic Accuracy of an “Amended” Insulin–Glucose Ratio for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Insulinomas Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(11): doi: / Figure Legend: Analysis was performed using the Kaplan–Meier method and the Mantel–Cox log-rank test. Date of download: 12/28/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

3 From: Diagnostic Accuracy of an “Amended” Insulin–Glucose Ratio for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Insulinomas Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(11): doi: / Figure Legend: Plasma concentrations of glucose (A), insulin (B), and C-peptide (C); insulin–glucose ratios (D); and “amended” insulin–glucose ratios (insulin [pmol/L]/[glucose {mmol/L} − 1.7 mmol/L]) (E) are shown, as well as insulin (F) and C-peptide (G) values plotted versus plasma glucose value measured at the time of discontinuation of prolonged fasts in patients with insulinoma (circles: benign insulinomas; squares: malignant insulinomas), control patients (triangles), and patients with insulinoma who were restudied after successful tumor removal (diamonds). P values indicate results of analysis of variance (comparison between patients with insulinoma and control patients; patients after successful surgery were not included in this analysis). In A, the dotted line indicates a glucose concentration of 3.1 mmol/L (55 mg/dL) (one of the criteria advocated by the Endocrine Society), and the dashed line indicates a glucose concentration of 2.4 mmol/L (43 mg/dL), below which prolonged fasts were discontinued in this study. In D and E, dotted lines indicate the upper normal limits as published previously (9, 10, 12). In F and G, the dotted lines were drawn to best separate patients with and without insulinoma. To convert glucose values from mmol/L to mg/dL, divide by To convert C-peptide values from nmol/L to ng/mL, divide by Date of download: 12/28/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

4 From: Diagnostic Accuracy of an “Amended” Insulin–Glucose Ratio for the Biochemical Diagnosis of Insulinomas Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(11): doi: / Figure Legend: Patients with insulinoma are shown in the top panel and control patients are shown in the middle panel separated by sex (mean [95% CI]). The proportion of female and male control patients with a glucose concentration less than 3.1 mmol/L (<55 mg/dL) is shown in the bottom panel. In the top panel, individual glucose concentrations over time are shown, highlighting the first glucose concentration less than 3.1 mmol/L (<55 mg/dL) (open circles) and the glucose concentration at the time of discontinuation of prolonged fasts (solid circles). In the middle panel, solid lines are means, and dotted lines are 95% CIs; statistical analysis was performed using repeated-measures analysis of variance, and asterisks indicate significant differences (by analysis of variance) between female and male control patients at single time points. To convert glucose values from mmol/L to mg/dL, divide by A = female vs. male control patients; B = changes over time; AB = interaction. Date of download: 12/28/2017 Copyright © American College of Physicians. All rights reserved.

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