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COMM 4334 Advertising Campaigns

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1 COMM 4334 Advertising Campaigns
Spring 2016

2 How does communication take place?
Communication is transmitting, receiving, and processing information. Communication plays a key role in any advertising or marketing campaign. Sender Encoding Transmission Device Decoding Receiver Page 4

3 An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan
Starts with the Four “P’s” – Product Price Promotion Place (or distribution)

4 This course will deal with the Promotions component of the 4 P’s
Advertising Sales promotion Personal selling Database marketing Direct response marketing Sponsorship marketing Online marketing Social media marketing Alternative marketing Public relations programs

5 The IMC Plan A strategic marketing plan forms the basis for IMC
This plan coordinates every component of eh marketing mix in order to achieve consistency in the messaging

6 Components of an IMC Plan
Current situational analysis SWOT analysis Marketing objectives Target market(s) Marketing strategies Marketing tactics Implementation Evaluation of performance

7 Emerging Trends in Marketing Communications
Emphasis on accountability and measurable results. Changes in tasks performed by key players Explosion in the use of alternative media

8 Changes in Tasks Performed
Key roles: Account executive Account manager Brand or product manager Creatives Account planners p. 8

9 Emergence of Alternative Media
Web ads Interactive websites Blogs Social networks Mobile platforms Text messaging Technology based interactions

10 Advances in Information Technology
Instant technology creates both opportunities and threats p. 10, Facebook, twitter, social media for favorable and unfavorable reviews, company and product information. Monitoring blogs to see what consumers are saying

11 Changes in Channel Power
A marketing channel consists of a producer or manufacturer vending goods to wholesalers or middlemen, who in turn, sell items to retailers who sell the items to consumers A shift has taken place allowing the buyer to be in charge In 2001 online retail sales were $31 billion Online retail sales are expected to reach $327 billion in 2016

12 Corporate Image & Brand Management
One of the most critical ingredients in the successful development of an IMC communications plan is effective management of a company’s image A strong brand creates a major advantage for any product or service When the image or brand of an organization is tarnished, sales revenues and profits can plummet p. 26

13 Corporate Image is all things…
Tangible elements Intangible elements Goods & services sold Retail outlets Factories Advertising and promotions Corporate name and logo Packages and labels employees Corporate, personnel, and environmental policies Ideals and beliefs of corporate personnel Culture of country and location of company Media reports p. 27

14 From the customer’s perspective, corporate image benefits provide:
“Positive assurance” Provides confidence regarding purchase decisions Gives assurance about the purchase when the buyer has little or no previous experience Reduces search time in the purchase decision Provides psychological reinforcement and social acceptance of the purchase p

15 Corporate image: Benefits to Companies
Extension of positive customer feeling to new products Ability to charge a higher price or fee Consumer loyalty leading to more frequent purchases Positive word-of-mouth endorsements (WOM) Higher level of channel power Ability to attract quality employees More favorable rating by financial observers and analysts p.29

16 A Corporation’s Image can be a major part of its success
Identifying the desired image Creating the right image Rejuvenating an image Changing an image p

17 The Importance of Corporate Names
Overt Implied Conceptual Iconoclastic

18 Corporate Logos A sign or symbol used to identify a company and its brands Recognizable Familiar Elicits a consensual meaning among those in the firm’s target market Evokes positive feelings p.33

19 Branding Family brands Brand extension Flanker brand Co-branding
Ingredient branding Cooperative branding Complementary branding Private brands p

20 Building a Powerful Brand
Invest in the brand Create awareness Offer authenticity and uniqueness Build trust Deliver an experience Offer value Utilize social media Utilize mobile Act responsibly p. 37

21 Powerful Brands have… Brand Equity Brand Loyalty
A set of characteristics that are unique to a brand Measured with brand metrics Financial value Revenue premium Consumer value Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index p. 38-9

22 Chapter 3 Buyer Behaviors
COMM 4334 Chapter 3 Buyer Behaviors

23 Consumer Purchasing Process
A.I.D.A Finding ways to influence the consumer purchasing process is vital to IMC Once a need emerges, the consumer begins the information search AIDA – late 1800s, Elias St. Elmo Lewis, an American advertising and sales pioneer p. 55

24 Information Search Internal search – Why it is important to build brand awareness, all about recall External search – information can be gathered from a variety of sources including friends (W.O.M.), experts, books, magazines, advertising, the Internet Amount of time spent by a consumer on external search depends on three factors: Ability Motivation Costs vs. benefits p. 55 Ability to search consists of a person’s educational level combined with specific knowledge he/she has about the product or service. Educated people tend to spend more time searching for information (p. 56) Level of motivation + level of involvement; + need for cognition, + level of shopping enthusiasm (p. 56)

25 Consumer attitudes Cognitive – a person’s mental images, understanding, and interpretations of the person, object, or issue Affective – feelings or emotions the person has about the object, topic, or idea Conative—an individual’s intentions, actions, or behavior p. 56 attitudes consist of three components p. 57 – demonstrate affective by asking about attitudes of items on p. 58

26 Consumer values: Strongly held beliefs about various topics or concepts
Comfortable life Equality Excitement Freedom Fun, exciting life Happiness Inner peace Mature love Personal accomplishment Pleasure Salvation Security Self-fulfillment Self-respect Sense of belonging Social acceptance Wisdom p. 59

27 Cognitive mapping Simulations of the knowledge structures embedded in an individual’s brain: Assumptions Beliefs Interpretations of facts feelings p. 60

28 Cognitive processing occurs on several levels
Processing New Information Retaining Information New Concepts Marketing Messages p. 61

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