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Living with Blessings Joshua 13:1-19:51.

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1 Living with Blessings Joshua 13:1-19:51







8 1. Boundaries for the twelve tribes
Divide/Possess 1. Boundaries for the twelve tribes Reuben (Joshua 13:15-23) Gad (Joshua 13:24-28) Half tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 13:29-31) Judah (Joshua 15:1-12) Ephraim (Joshua 16:5-9) Manasseh (Joshua 17:1-11) Benjamin (Joshua 18:11-28) Simeon (Joshua 19:1-9) Zebulun (Joshua 19:10-16) Issachar (Joshua 19:17-23) Asher (Joshua 19:24-31) Naphtali (Joshua 19:32-39) Dan (Joshua 19:40-48)

9 2. The inheritance of the Levites
Divide/Possess 2. The inheritance of the Levites The offerings made by fire to the Lord were their inheritance (Joshua 13:14) God is their inheritance (Joshua 13:33) They inherited towns and pasturelands (Joshua 14:4) Priestly service is their inheritance (Joshua 18:7) 3. Failures to defeat the enemy The people of Geshur and Maacah (Joshua 13:13) The Jebusites (Joshua 15:63) The Canaanites living in Gezer (Joshua 16:10) The Canaanites (Joshua 17:12-13) 4. Following God wholeheartedly (Joshua 14:6-14)

10 The land was divided by casting lots.
DISCUSSION GUIDE Boundaries for the Twelve Tribes 1. How did Joshua know how to divide the land between the tribes of Israel? (Joshua 14:2) The land was divided by casting lots.

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE The Inheritance of the Levites
2. The sons of Levi did not inherit any land. What four things did they inherit? (Joshua 13:14, 33; 14:4; 18:7) The following served as the inheritance for the Levites: The offerings made by fire to the Lord The Lord, the God of Israel, was their inheritance Towns to live in with pasturelands for their flocks and herds The opportunity to serve as priests of the Lord

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE Failures to Defeat the Enemy
3. Which groups of people did the Israelites fail to drive out of the land? (Joshua 13:13; 15:63; 16:10; 17: ) The Israelites failed to drive out: The people of Geshur and Maacah The Jebusites The Canaanites living in Gezer The Canaanites living in Manasseh’s inheritance

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. Why do you think these failures were included in the biblical record?

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE Following God Wholeheartedly
5. Who spoke when the men of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal? (Joshua 14:6) Caleb was the spokesman when the men of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal.

15 6. What do you know about Caleb?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What do you know about Caleb?

16 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. What did Caleb say about the report he brought back to Moses? What was the result of the report brought by Caleb’s brothers? (Joshua 14:7-8) Caleb remembers that he brought a report according to his convictions. Caleb says that his brothers brought a report that caused the hearts of the people to melt with fear.

17 Caleb says that he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. How does Caleb describe himself? (Joshua 14:8) Caleb says that he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.

18 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. What does it mean to follow the Lord wholeheartedly? What are the attitudes and actions of a person who follows the Lord wholeheartedly?

19 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. What promise did Moses make to Caleb? (Joshua 14:9) Moses promised that since Caleb followed the Lord wholeheartedly all the land that he traveled would be his inheritance.

20 Caleb says that God has kept him alive.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. To what does Caleb attribute his longevity? (Joshua 14:10) Caleb says that God has kept him alive.

21 DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. Who lived in the land that was Caleb’s inheritance? Where did Caleb place his confidence? (Joshua 14:12) The Anakites lived in the land that was Caleb’s inheritance. Caleb said he would defeat them “with God’s help.”

22 DISCUSSION GUIDE 13. Who were the Anakites?

23 DISCUSSION GUIDE 14. How did Joshua respond to Caleb’s request? (Joshua 14:13) Joshua blessed Caleb and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. This was the land of the Anakites.

24 DISCUSSION GUIDE 15. What reason did Joshua give for granting Caleb this land? (Joshua 14:14) Joshua granted Caleb the land because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.

25 DISCUSSION GUIDE 16. How might a person develop the trait of following God wholeheartedly?

26 Believers need to be ready to vanquish those areas in their lives that are not fully submitted to God. (Joshua 13:13; 15:63; 16:10; 17:12-13) Believers must be obedient. Partial obedience is not good enough. (Joshua 14:5) Believers must make a habit of telling the stories of God’s past faithfulness. (Joshua 14:6-9) Believers should not allow their age or anything else to get in the way of their wholehearted devotion to God. (Joshua 14:10) Believers follow God even when there are giants in the land. (Joshua 14:15)

27 Count the cost. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be sold out 100% to God?
2. Are you ready to throw away every excuse and take the next step in your faith? 3. Will you follow the example of Caleb?

28 A wrong that needs to be put to right in your neighborhood, city, state or nation.
An unchallenged ethical issue that is a part of our society. A prejudice you need to overcome. Some personal underdeveloped talent or resource in your life that God could use for his glory. A language that you need to learn in order to share the Good News with someone within your sphere of influence.

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