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Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation

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1 Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation

2 Agenda Bell Ringer: What is an invention today that is similar to the impact of the Printing Press? Lecture: Luther, Calvin, and the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Reformation. The Medici’s and the Protestant Reformation Document Analysis: 95 Theses Council of Trent Primary Source Correlating Documents Reading Quiz Wednesday

3 Overview Martin Luther believed he had the one true vision of the church and attempted to correct all other Christians. In the end he further subdivided the church.

4 The Sale of Indulgences
In the Catholic faith, indulgences reduce penalties due for sins. Tetzel, a Dominican Friar claimed that indulgences would automatically remove guilt and the penalty. Luther claims that indulgences are wrong. Painting by Carracci

5 95 Theses He forbid the sale of indulgences.
Luther felt indulgences created a middle person that interfered with God. Indulgences cannot get you out of purgatory, only God can. The focus needed to be on God, not the Pope or Priests.

6 Pope Leo X He was not in a hurry to deal with Luther. “Just a monk”
He ordered a reply to the theses, but Luther increased his attack on the Papacy. 1520, Luther is excommunicated.

7 Diet of Worms 1521, Luther is granted a hearing to recant his theses.
He refused, claiming that Scripture was the only source for him. Then he begins the Lutheran Church.

8 Calvinism Men and women are sinful by nature. Predestination
He already has a plan Very strict… No card games, no dancing, no bright clothing, no sleeping in church, no art, no theater…

9 Catholic Reformation The Catholic Church waited too long to respond to the Protestant Reformation. Much of Northern England was lost to the Protestants. They sought to attain two goals. Reform the Church Establish countermeasures against Protestantism. There was a rigorous campaign to improve the morals of the clergy.

10 Council of Trent ( ) Sought to keep a balance favorable to Rome. Reform and reinvigorate the church. Restated beliefs and corrected abuses. Simony = sale of Church positions. (outlawed) Chastity was restored. There was no compromise with Luther or Calvin.

11 Ignatius of Loyola Spanish nobleman who founded a new society based on service to the pope. He became a soldier of the lord. Founded the Jesuits. They took the monastic views of chastity, poverty, and obedience to the pope.

12 A2 List Religion Mortal Kombat Appeals to the Poor Indulgences
Holy Ghost Christianity Religious Discipline Social Class All Powerful God Printing Press Centered in Europe Attempts to win followers Western Europe Vernacular Doesn’t mention women Holy Spirit Catholic? 16th Century Protestant? Triggers reactions Post Mortem Beliefs Reforms Churches Burning at the Stake Papal Authority $$ God Excommunication Greed Divine Power Purgatory Luther Bible Heaven Death New Rules Hell Council of Trent Decree Official Doc Trinity Role for the Church Same Audience Power Religious Conflict Language Monotheism Modesty? Synod Divine Gifts Division

13 B6 List Religious Remission of Sins Questions? Protestant
Written by leaders of church Same god Catholic Pray Same audience Believe in God European Clergy? State Indulgences Give back to poor Denounce other side Include the Pope Guidelines for future Still exist today Sacred Writings Trying to fix religion Both during Renaissance Unify the church Reformation Believe in a church Increase welfare of people Monotheism Tudor rule. Believe in heaven Afterlife Positions on Indulgences Believe in hell Corruption of church Primary Sources. Mention Purgatory Death Limit Power Make me think Spread power to rich/poor 16th century Require structure Northern hemisphere Devotion to one church Competition for followers Religion as security Good conduct Jesus Big religious powers Holy Trinity Spawned from similar beliefs Forgiveness Spawned differing religions

14 B8 List Patriarchy Hell Justification Religious Protestant?
Split of Church/Opinion God Equal under god Orthodox Jesus Grace Rules Bible? Power Anti-Pagan Sin Life Sacred Death Confession Greed Indulgences Tradition Council of Trent Purgatory Morals Sacrifice Radical? Economy? Chastity Holy Values Europe Catholic? Middle Ages Corruption Penance Security Northern Hemisphere Ten Commandments Holy Trinity Reformation Ideas Calvin Bias.. Luther Monotheistic Pope Same Era Cardinals Heaven Salvation

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