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Tuesday-12/12/17 Get out your notebook and the hormones graph we worked on yesterday. Finish if you did not yesterday. If you are finished. 

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday-12/12/17 Get out your notebook and the hormones graph we worked on yesterday. Finish if you did not yesterday. If you are finished. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday-12/12/17 Get out your notebook and the hormones graph we worked on yesterday. Finish if you did not yesterday. If you are finished. 

2 Objective The student will analyze the steps of the estrus cycle and identify trends in hormone levels by breaking down text and organizing a visual representation.

3 Challenge What steps must take place in the ovary for a cow to successfully conceive offspring?

4 Defining Hormones in Estrus
In the "hormones of female reproduction section of the handout: 1. Make sure your graph, and paper strips are in your notebook. 2. Cut a post-it note into 4 equal sections, make sure they all have a "sticky end' 3. Write the definition of each hormone in the graph on each sticky.  4. Stick each definition on the word it defines on the graph.  

5 Estrus Bracelets 1. Make a bracelet that represents the estrus cycle.
Use different colors/number of beads to represent different parts of the cycle.  Use the estrous cycle section of your handout as a guide.  Draw out your bracelet first and write a description of each section, and why you chose to use the color, number of beads, etc.  After you get a stamp you may begin making your bracelet.

6 Anatomy of the female reproductive tract in cattle.
Cervix- neck of the uterus, softens/relaxes to allow passage. Uterus- underdeveloped compared to humans. Uterine Horn- Site of embryo development and growth. Oviduct- Passage way of the egg. Site of Fertilization. Ovary- Production of eggs and certain hormones.

7 What do you know about hormones?
L Fill out the “K” and “W” sections of the chart. K- What I know about hormones. W- What I wonder about hormones.

8 Procedure 1. Assign each strip of paper a color.
2. At random choose a strip of paper. Shade the areas of the graph that corollate with the information given. MAKE SURE THAT THE COLOR USED ON THE GRAPH IS THE COLOR THAT CORRLATES THIS THE STRIP OF PAPER. 3. Raise your hand and get a stamp before you proceed.

9 Procedure Using the number strips, put the steps in order.
Use the graph as your guide Once you are finished, raise your hand for Mr. Martin to check your work.

10 What do you know about hormones?
L In the “L” section, reflect on todays activity and write down a few things you learned.

11 Exit Ticket On the sheet of paper provided, answer the following:
1. Why do you think it is important for cattle producers to know about the estrus cycle and hormone levels? 2. During what point in the cycle would you breed a cow? Why? Write your name on the top, and give to Mr. Martin on your way out the door.

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