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Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
Recognise equal groups NCLO: To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

2 Key vocabulary and questions
groups stem sentence equal unequal repeated addition What does the 2 represent? What does the 3 represent? I have X equal groups, with Y in each group. Which image am I describing?

3 Fluency

4 Fluency

5 Fluency

6 Reasoning and problem solving

7 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Create your own picture to go in each column.

8 Reasoning and problem solving

9 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
Make equal groups NCLO: To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

10 Key vocabulary and questions
groups stem sentence equal unequal repeated addition numerals/ words How else could you represent these in equal groups? How many ways can you represent this? How have you grouped your items?

11 Fluency

12 Fluency

13 Fluency

14 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Draw or use cubes to show what Eva should have done.

15 Reasoning and problem solving

16 Reasoning and problem solving

17 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
Add equal groups NCLO: To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

18 Key vocabulary and questions
groups repeated addition equal unequal What do the two 3s represent? Why are we using the addition symbol? How else can we show the equal groups? What is the total?

19 Fluency

20 Fluency

21 Fluency

22 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Draw an image or use cubes to help you explain your answer.

23 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Which one do we need to change to make them all represent the same?

24 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
The Multiplication Symbol NCLO: To calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (x), division (÷) and equals (=) sign.

25 Key vocabulary and questions
groups stem sentence equal unequal repeated addition multiplication lots of What does the 3 represent? What does the 6 represent? What does lots of mean? Does 18 = 3 x 6 mean the same? How is the same as 3 x 6?

26 Fluency

27 Fluency

28 Fluency

29 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Draw an image to help you.

30 Reasoning and problem solving

31 Reasoning and problem solving

32 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: How many ways can you find?

33 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
Multiplication from pictures NCLO: To calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (x), division (÷) and equals (=) sign.

34 Key vocabulary and questions
groups pictorial equal unequal repeated addition multiplication lots of What does the 3 represent? What does the 4 represent? What does the 12 represent? Can you think of your own story for 3 x 4 = 12?

35 Fluency

36 Fluency

37 Fluency

38 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Draw and image and write a calculation to represent the problem?

39 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Draw an image to demonstrate your story.

40 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Explain your reasoning.

41 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
Use Arrays NCLO: To solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts. To understand that multiplication is commutative.

42 Key vocabulary and questions
multiplication multiple times groups of lots of repeated addition arrays commutative Where are the 2 lots of 3? Where are the 3 lots of 2? What do you notice? What can we use to represent the eggs and shells? Can you draw an image?

43 Fluency

44 Fluency

45 Fluency

46 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Using your array, complete the following.

47 Reasoning and problem solving

48 Reasoning and problem solving

49 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
The 2 Times Table NCLO: To solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

50 Key vocabulary and questions
multiplication multiple times groups of lots of repeated addition arrays commutative If there is 16 in total, how many coins would there be? How many 2s go into 16? How can the images of the 5 bikes help you to solve the problem?

51 Fluency

52 Fluency

53 Fluency

54 Reasoning and problem solving

55 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Explain how you know.

56 Reasoning and problem solving

57 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
The 5 Times Table NCLO: To solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

58 Key vocabulary and questions
multiplication multiple times groups of lots of repeated addition arrays commutative If there are 30 petals, how many flowers? Can you count in 5s to 30? How many 5s go into 30? How many 5s go into 35?

59 Fluency

60 Fluency

61 Fluency

62 Reasoning and problem solving

63 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: How many ways can you do it?

64 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Write a calculation for the picture that is left over.

65 Year 2 Autumn Block 4 Multiplication and Division
The 5 Times Table NCLO: To solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

66 Key vocabulary and questions
multiplication multiple greater than times groups of less than lots of repeated addition arrays commutative What does greater mean? What does less mean? How many tens go into _____?

67 Fluency Challenge: Write the calculation below.

68 Fluency

69 Fluency

70 Reasoning and problem solving

71 Reasoning and problem solving

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