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St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 06 May2016

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1 St Luke’s Church of England School Newsletter 06 May2016
Message from Mrs Tyler As it has been a short week for the children, it is just a message from me today!  Despite only being in school for three days, KS2 children have been interpreting charts, graphs and tables and using ‘old fashioned games’ to increase their mathematical verbal reasoning skills.  KS1 have been practising their number and comprehension skills and learning about the local area – putting their house, the school, tennis courts etc. on to a map.  Reception children have made the most of the good weather with their outside learning – they have been halving, doubling and writing instructions. On the website you may have seen a summary of the ‘School Evaluation and Development Report’, which details the school’s priorities for the academic year.  On Election Day the teachers spent the day in school concentrating on one of these improvement priorities – developing the role of subject leaders.  As well as having responsibility for their own class, teachers are also responsible for leading a subject across the school. Each half term they observe their subject being taught in the other classes, look through the children’s workbooks and monitor the planning and assessments. In this way our subject leaders are fully informed about the standards in their subject and are best able to further develop the teaching and provision across the school.  Mrs Patel leads on English, Miss Milne on Maths and Computing, Mr Stephenson on Science and Humanities, Mrs O’Rourke on RE and Mrs Shulemaja on PE and Spanish.  Of course, we are fortunate that at St Luke’s we also have other members of staff who further enrich our children’s learning through Sports, Music and Art.   Please remember - Year 4 children need to be in school by 8am on Monday to travel to the Outdoor Adventurous Activity Day. School Photographs You child will bring home proofs of the class and whole-school photographs that were taken in school last week. If you would like to order these, please complete the order form and return with correct payment in the clear envelope provided by Friday 13th May. If you would like to see the full-sized photographs before ordering, these can be seen in the school entrance. Online Safety – Parents’ Talk Thursday 12th May (9-10am) - Online safety Parents’ Talk led by the Camden Learning Centre. Message from Miss Milne Please can Reception children bring in sun hats to use in school, but not sunglasses. Dates for Diary (Summer 1) and term dates are on the school website.

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