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KC705, TSW14J10EVM & ADC34J44EVM.

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Presentation on theme: "KC705, TSW14J10EVM & ADC34J44EVM."— Presentation transcript:

1 KC705, TSW14J10EVM & ADC34J44EVM

2 Setup Instructions Copy the file called ADC34J44_LMF_4421.ini to the following location: C:\Program Files(86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\14J10KC705 Details\ADC Files Copy the files called “ADC3xJxx_125MSPS_KC705.cfg” and “KC705_ADC3xJxx_125MSPS_Operation_LMK_Settings.cfg” to the following location: C:\Program Files(86)\Texas Instruments\ADC3xxxx\Configuration Files After the boards are powered up, press the ADC_RST switch on the ADC EVM. Open the ADC3000 GUI and load “KC705_ADC3xJxx_125MSPS_Operation_LMK_Settings.cfg” followed by “ADC3xJxx_125MSPS_KC705.cfg Open HSDC Pro, and select the new ini file mentioned above. The ini will use existing firmware. Set the sample rate to 125MHz and do a capture. The memory size is limited on the KC705, so do not increase the FFT size to anything higher than 65,536 samples

3 70MHz IF @ 125MHz sample rate, CH1

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