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Unified Modeling Language (UML)

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1 Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Chapter 20 Unified Modeling Language (UML) Sharif University of Technology, International Branch, Kish Island Dr. Mohsen Sadighi Moshkenani

2 Outline Recall model and modeling (Chapter 12) UML Different diagrams

3 Model and Modeling Examples Model is a symbol of/for reality
Modeling is the process of imagination and creation of a symbol (model) of/for reality, from specific view point In analysis we model the related real available world In design we model the related interested future world

4 Modeling and design

5 Why model and modeling Model is a simplified reality
Unnecessary details are kept hidden Causes better understanding of problem and possible solutions A chance to see different solutions Simple, fast and cheap Visualization of ideas Chance for evaluation

6 Why model and modeling

7 Role of object model Object model simplifies the modeling process
Recall OO principles (Chapter 19) Object model (in compare with other software models) has the most compatibility with real world

8 UML to representation model
Why the model should be represented? Try to visualize the model Unified Modeling Language (UML) is well known (standard) means for visualization UML defines a set diagrams to model the real world Now UML works as a standard to represent models; much beyond software engineering and IT Object Management Group is the root point for UML (

9 Notation for class and object representation

10 Class relations (Cont.)
Association Inheritance Aggregation and Composition

11 Class relations

12 Class diagram Visualize your analysis and design
Class diagram represents classes and their relations You may have many class diagrams

13 Read a sample class diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال كلاس نمايش كلاس‌ها و روابط بين آن‌ها

14 Read some sample class diagram

15 Read some sample class diagram




19 Read a use case diagram Read some sample class diagram نام نمودار نقش
مثال مورد كاربرد براي بيان مخاطبان سامانه و انتظاراتي كه اين سامانه در قبال هر مخاطب برآورده مي‌كند Read some sample class diagram


21 Collaboration diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال همكاري نمايش مصداقي از همكاري شيءها با يكديگر

22 Sample sequence diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال ترتيب نمايش مصداقي از همكاري شيءها با يكديگر و توجه روي ترتيب زماني

23 Read a sample state diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال حالت نمايش حالت‌هاي مهم و تغيير حالت‌ها در زندگي يك شيء

24 A sample activity diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال فعاليت براي بيان فعاليت‌هاي عوامل درگير و ترتيب و همزماني اين فعاليت‌ها


26 A sample package diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال بسته نمايش بسته‌ها، به‌عنوان بخش‌هاي اصلي سامانه و ارتباط بين آن‌ها

27 A sample deployment diagram
نام نمودار نقش مثال استقرار نمايش استقرار جغرافيايي بخش‌هاي مختلف يك سامانه و ارتباط بين آن‌ها

28 Use Tools There are too many supporting tools
HW: Select a UML tool. Provide 3 different diagrams (for next week)

29 Visual Paradigm for UML 8.1 Community Edition Compare
Visual Paradigm for UML Community Edition (VP-UML CE) is a feature rich, FREE UML tool which supports all kinds of UML diagrams. Here are the diagrams you can draw with VP-UML CE: use case diagram, class diagram, composite structure diagram, object diagram, sequence diagram, communication diagram, activity diagram, state machine diagram, timing diagram, interaction overview diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, package diagram, requirement diagram, CRC card diagram and entity relationship diagram (ERD).

30 Too many samples Search for UML samples within images
You may search for a special UML sample diagram

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