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Vocabulary Earth and Globe Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Earth and Globe Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Earth and Globe Skills

2 Rotation The earth’s movement around its axis- one is completed every 24 hours

3 Revolution The earth’s movement around the sun- one is completed every 365 and ¼ days

4 Equator The Horizontal Line that divides the earth into northern and southern hemispheres, 0 degrees latitude

5 Latitude A series of horizontal lines used to measure the distance north and south of the equator also called a Parallel

6 Prime Meridian A Vertical Line that divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres, 0 degrees longitude

7 Longitude A series of vertical lines used to measure the distance east or west of the prime meridian also called Meridians

8 Time Zone 24 Areas of the earth measured in segments of 15 degrees longitude Each of these areas represents a different hour of the day

9 Weather The typical temperature and precipitation for a place over the course of one day

10 Climate The typical temperature and precipitation for a place over the course of one year

11 Natural Vegetation The typical plant life that grows naturally in a climate zone

12 Precipitation Any form of water that falls from the sky

13 Equinox Twice a year when the sun is directly over the equator (Autumn and Spring)

14 Solstice Twice a year when the sun is directly over one of the two tropics Winter and Summer

15 International Dateline
Line where one day turns into the next, 180 degrees longitude


17 Stationary Front The boundary between two different air masses, neither strong enough to replace the other

18 Occluded Front The boundary that occurs when a cold front overtakes a warm front

19 High Pressure Formed when cooler air sinks and usually means dry air and clear skies

20 Low Pressure Formed from warm air that is rising and usually means cloudy weather and precipitation

21 Leap Year A year containing an extra day in order to make up for ¼ of a day in the earth’s revolution

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