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LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Culture of Ancient Egypt

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1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Culture of Ancient Egypt
Beliefs and Religion LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Culture of Ancient Egypt

2 Life After Death Ancient Egyptian’s positive outlook shaped their religion and led them to believe that the gods favored them. Egyptians believed that their prosperity (good fortune), could continue with a happy afterlife. An afterlife is the life believed to occur following death. Not every ancient culture shared Egyptians’ beliefs. Remember…..Ancient Sumerians believed their afterlife would be miserable.

3 Many Gods
Many Gods Ancient Egyptians were polytheists (worshiping many gods). The gods they worshiped were related to their belief in an afterlife and to parts of nature, such as the sun, the river, and plant life. Here are some of their most important gods. Ra: The Sun God Osiris: a god who judged Egyptians after death. Isis: a fertility goddess who was Osiris’ wife. Anubis: the god of the dead. Ancient Egyptians believe in over 2000 different gods and goddesses. There are many different pictures and names given for them.

4 Making Mummies Egyptians thought they would need their bodies in the afterlife, so they embalmed dead people. Embalm means to preserve a body after death. First, embalmers removed all organs except for the heart. Next, they filled the body with a mixture of salt and herbs to create a mummy. The word mummy describes a body that has been dried so it won’t decay. When dry, the mummy was wrapped in hundreds of yards of linen strips. The whole process of embalming and wrapping took about 70 days. Embalming was expensive, and not everyone could afford it. The mummy was placed in a coffin inside a tomb. The tomb also held everyday objects, furniture, and food. Scenes from the person’s life were painted on the walls. The Egyptians expected these pictures to become real so that the dead person could use them in the afterlife.


6 The ancient Egyptians were the first peoples known to develop a formal religion based on a belief in the afterlife. Such a belief is part of most religions today.

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