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Technical Cooperation Section SEDI- Executive Office

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1 Technical Cooperation Section SEDI- Executive Office
Strategic Plan

2 Approach for Cooperation in SEDI
Align with SDG Goal #17 Cooperation & Partnerships (Sustainable , Multi-sectoral, Attainable, Rigorous and Tailored ) A result-based approach Use of ICTs for cost reduction and broader reach

3 SDG GOAL # 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development 17.6 Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism.  

4 17.16 Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships.

5 Guiding Principles for Development Cooperation
Reciprocal Engagement Equitable exchange of experiences Responsive to emerging needs Innovative, participatory and results-oriented Shared solutions In cases where the decision-making is not clear or where there are too many steps to climb to secure a decision, programs either never get started, are delayed or are never successfully implemented. SMART Partnerships Use of ICT- Use of platorms, webinars, video conferencing – great tools that reduce travel and and other tools must be accompanied by engagement strategy that involves all users at every stage-

Triangular co­operation South-South Cooperation North-South Cooperation Public Private Partnerships (multi-stakeholder partnerships)

7 Challenges to the implementation of Cooperation
Still great dependence on traditional donors and the north for the funding of cooperation. Donors from the south are still limited in scope and budget. Insufficient holistic and long-term inter-agency planning (within member states). Inadequate data (needs assessments, technological & institutional capacity) to guide program. Lack of coordination and coherence among various agencies and actors all tackling the same challenges. Limited institutional and human resource capacity

8 Essential Elements for Cooperation Programs & Projects
Design: the coherence, consistency, effectiveness and clarity of the project design, including existence of appropriate indicators, identification of risks, budget, etc. Relevance: the extent to which the development objectives of the project are consistent with beneficiaries’ requirements, countries’ need, and donor priorities; Effectiveness: the extent to which the development objectives of the project can be achieved;

9 Essential Elements for Cooperation (cont’d)
Efficiency: a measure of how economically resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) are converted to results; Results: outcome or impact of development activities; Sustainability: the probability or outlook for continued long-term benefits.

10 Technical Cooperation Section (TCS)
Our Approach Technical Cooperation Section (TCS) Multi-Sectoral Partnerships (MSP) °Facilitate strategic engagement among diverse partners. ° Build alliances for socio- economic growth. ° Match needs with opportunities. Cooperation Exchange (CooperaNet) ° Online Hub for Development Cooperation and Partnerships: Member State  Member State Member State   Multi-Sectoral Partners (Academia, Private Sector and NGO’s) ° Access to direct Technical Assistance (Connect with an Expert). ° Walk-in Center - “Live library”, research, education and training, discussions, good practices. Development Cooperation Fund (DCF) ° Provide seed funding to National & Multi-national initiatives. ° Strengthen Institutional and human resource capacity. ° Promote Triangular and South-South cooperation. Pursuant to the Executive Order above, this presentation outlines the current strategy for structuring and modernizing the OAS development cooperation function including the Development Cooperation Fund (formerly FEMCIDI) to encompass partnership and networking approaches that are more responsive to the needs of OAS member states. In so doing, the objective has been to revitalize the Development Cooperation Fund (formerly FEMCIDI) and enhance the Technical Cooperation Unit’s contribution to the OAS mandate and more effective service delivery by SEDI.

11 Cooperation in Action Development Cooperation Fund Criteria for Programs
A clearly defined objective; Support for solving a national or regional problem; Promote transfers or exchanges of experiences, knowledge, good practices, techniques, and technologies; Promote triangular, south–south, and horizontal forms of cooperation;

12 DCF Criteria for Programs (cont’d)
Increase opportunities for coordinating and mobilizing funding; Contribute to the use and development of local capacities and human capital; Direct the programs toward strengthening institutions and on training human resources; Avoid duplication of efforts in resource allocation; Ensure the sustainability of the programs’ results

13 DCF Criteria for Programs (cont’d)
Increase opportunities for coordinating and mobilizing funding; Contribute to the use and development of local capacities and human capital; Direct the programs toward strengthening institutions and on training human resources; Avoid duplication of efforts in resource allocation; Ensure the sustainability of the programs’ results

14 DCF TOOLS for Program Design & Implementation Country Program Profile

15 DCF TOOLS M&E Framework

16 DCF TOOLS Midterm Assessment- Survey questionnaire

17 COOPERANET Online “Hub” for development cooperation and partnerships
Provide member states with ongoing access for: Optimizing Partnerships and Building Alliances among: Member State  Member State Member State  Multi-Sectoral Partners (IFI’s academia, NGO’s and Private Sector) Access to direct technical assistance Walk-in Center – “Live Library”, research, education and training, discussions, good practices. Click here:

18 Partnerships Database of partners being developed based on SEDI priority areas Targeting: Academia Private Sector Foundations NGO’s

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