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Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements
PhD student: Matteo Brucoli - EN/STI/ECE Supervisor: Dr. Salvatore Danzeca - CERN Prof. Laurent Dusseau - UM2
Overview Temperature effect compensation Radiation monitoring at CERN
Total Ionizing Dose monitoring Floating Gate Dosimeter: working principle 60Co calibration and characterization: Sensitivity, linearity, resolution Batch to batch variation, HDR and LDR tests Temperature effect compensation Mixed field irradiation: FGDOS vs. RadFETs Kdose measurement Outlooks and Conclusions Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Radiation Monitoring at CERN
Memory Why is Radiation Monitoring so important? Monitoring of the Radiation Level along LHC Failure prevention of electronic equipment Investigate the cause of failures Installation, relocation, and shielding need to be designed according to radiation level SEE DD TID PIN Diode RadFet How Radiation affects Electronics? Cumulative Effects Total Ionizing Dose (TID): deposit of ionizing energy, which leads to the change of electrical properties Displacement Damage (DD): atom displacement caused by interactions of high energy particles with nuclei Radiation Monitoring System - RadMON Stochastic Effects Single Event Effects (SEEs) Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Definitions Generally, dosimetry is the study of how radiation imparts energy to matter More specifically, dosimetry is the measurement of absorbed dose in matter Absorbed dose (Also often called Dose or Total Dose): the mean energy absorbed per unit mass of irradiated material The SI unit of dose is the (Gy): 1 Gy = 1 J/kg Another unit of dose used in the space world is the (rad) 1 rad = 100 ergs/g (1 Gy = 100 rad) The standard definition for the TID effect is a `circuit degradation or failure resulting from radiation-induced charge trapped in insulating layers (usually oxides)’ Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Total Ionizing Dose Monitoring at CERN
Vbias RadFET is a special p-channel MOS with a thick oxide layer. The ionizing dose produces a charge accumulation in the SiO2 layer, which leads to shift of the threshold voltage (ΔVth) Basic mechanisms: e/h pair generation and recombination Hopping transport Oxide trapping → ΔVth,ox Interface trapping → ΔVth,it ΔVth = ΔVth,ox + ΔVth,it Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
RadFETs drawbaks ♦ Cumulated dose leads to:
Decreasing of trapping probability Decreasing of the oxide electric field The radiation response becomes non-linear ♦ Mixed Particle Fields influences RadFET Radiation Response ♦ Non linearity requires to be compensated by using a Calibration Curve ♦ Limited Resolution does not allow to measure low doses ♦ Annealing affects RadFETs measurement 400nm RadFET - Dose Rate = 300Gy/h Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Floating Gate Dosimeter (FGDOS) – Working Principle
Buried gate is pre-charged by injecting holes → QFG ↑,VFG ↑ A fraction of the e-/h+ pairs generated by ionizing radiation are separated by the electric field in the oxide, surviving recombination e- move toward the buried gate and discharge it → QFG ↓ , VFG ↓ The VFG variation is converted in current by the reading Mosfet The drain current is converted to frequency by the current to frequency converter (I2F) I2F FG Floating Gate S D Injector gate ox. Field oxide N+ N+ p Silicon B Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Floating Gate Dosimeter (FGDOS) – Linearization
The Auto-recharge process allows to obtain an extremely linear response The sensor is forced to work within the linear portion of the characteristic curve (~0.6 Gy) The raw response profile has a saw tooth shape (Non Compensated Curve), whose jumps are compensated to achieve the real radiation response (Compensated Curve) The charge injection is controlled by the TIDMON board Whole Dynamic Range Linear Dynamic Range Compensated Linear Dynamic Range The auto-recharge process allows to reach a linearity of 1% per 10Gy Calibration Curve is substituted by a Calibration Factor, i.e. the sensor sensitivity [kHz/Gy] Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
60Co calibration and characterization
Sample to sample variation has been evaluated → within ±2% Batch to batch variation has been evaluated → within ±5% High Dose Rate (3.2 Gy/h, HDR) and Low Dose Rate (0.32 Gy/h, LDR) → within ±2% Sensitivity and resolution has been evaluated Sensitivity Resolution [mGy] FGDOS 31.4 kHz/Gy >2 RadFET +5V 7 mV/Gy 60 RadFET GND 2 mV/Gy 200 Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Temperature Effect Compensation
Output frequency depends on temperature variations A MOSFET, identical to the one reading the FG capacitor, is integrated on the FGDOS chip in order to provide a reference frequency signal which is immune to TID The temperature sensitivity has been characterized: Fref is constant at -135 kHz/◦C, while for Fout it changes depending on the working point The temperature compensation is performed by means of a lookup table, which need as input the FREF and the Fout I2F FG REF Reading Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
CHARM - K factor measure by means of FGDOS and RadFETs
At CHARM, different mixed fields can be generated by playing with three key parameters: Test position p Facility configuration c → Target (Cu, Al, AlH) → Shielding position (In/Out) For each position and configuration, the field can be characterized by means of a calibration factor 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩,𝐜 𝐏𝐎𝐓 = 𝐊 𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩,𝐜 [𝐆𝐲/𝐏𝐎𝐓] 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩,𝐜 =𝐏𝐎𝐓 ∙ 𝐊 𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩,𝐜 The calibration factor is given by the ration of two cumulative physical quantities: Dose, which can be measured by FGDOS or RadFET Proton on Target, which is measured by the Secondary Emission Chamber Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
K factor stabilization
Experiment setup: Position R10 Al target Shielding Out Dose rate ≈ 0.7 Gy/h Resolution influences the k factor stability Example: Kdose measured through a RadFET 0V read by RadMon V5 ADC resolution Resolution RadMon V5 = 1 Gy The dose to be cumulated to reach the stabilization is larger than 11 Gy Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Mixed Radiation Field Experiments
Radiation tests were performed at CHARM in position R1 for different targets (Cupper, Aluminium, Aluminium sieve) Thanks to the higher resolution, the Floating Gate Dosimeter allows to detect much lower doses Experiment setup: Position R1 Cu target Shielding IN Dose rate ≈ 0.3 Gy/h Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
K factor stabilization – Cumulated POT
The POT to be cumulated to achieve oscillations lower than ±5% of the Kdose is considered Dosimeter Kdose [Gy/POT] POT±5% [POT] FGDOS 5.63 · 10-16 0.61 · 10+14 RadFET +5V 5.73 · 10-16 5.15 · 10+14 RadFET 0V 5.74 · 10-16 8.15 · 10+14 Experiment setup: Position R1 Cu target Shielding IN Dose rate ≈ 0.3 Gy/h Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
K factor stabilization - Summary
In order to quantify the velocity of stabilization, the POT to be cumulated to achieve oscillations lower than ±5% of the Kdose is considered Target Dosimeter Kdose [Gy/POT] POT±5% [POT] ΔD±5% [mGy/POT] ΔT±5% [h] Cu FGDOS 5.63 · 10-16 0.61 · 10+14 35 1.5 RadFET +5V 5.73 · 10-16 5.15 · 10+14 300 12 RadFET 0V 5.74 · 10-16 8.15 · 10+14 470 20 Al 3.20 · 10-16 0.66 · 10+14 21 1.6 2.97 · 10-16 8.20 · 10+14 250 2.85 · 10-16 31.1 · 10+14 890 75 AlH 1.86 · 10-16 1.20 · 10+14 23 3 1.65 · 10-16 27.3 · 10+14 450 65 1.84 · 10-16 37.1 · 10+14 680 90 * Maximum spread Kdose ~ 11% POT±5% FG is (at least) 8 times lower than POT±5% RadFET +5V POT±5% FG is (at least) 13 times lower than POT±5% RadFET 0V LHC Arcs 0.3 Gy for 30 fb-1 → Integrated Luminosity to obtain the calibration factor is L±5% FG ~ 4 fb-1 , L±5% ±5% RadFET +5V ~ 32 fb-1 L±5% ±5% RadFET 0V ~ 50 fb-1 * Results presented in: Brucoli at al., “Floating Gate Dosimeter suitability for Accelerator-like Environments,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
Outlooks and conclusions
FGDOS gamma ray characterization Higher resolution (2 mGy for the FG, 60 mGy for the RadFET) Very good linearity (1% per 10 Gy): Calibration Curve no needed Batch-to-batch and Sample-to-sample variation within ±5% High Dose Rate and Low Dose Rate variation within ±2% Temperature effect has been compensated Mixed field irradiation Calibration factor measurement (FGDOS vs. RadFET) POT±5% FG is (at least) 8 times lower than POT±5% RadFET +5V Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
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60Co calibration and characterization
Radiation tests were performed for High Dose Rate (320 rad/h, HDR) and for Low Dose Rate (32 rad/h, LDR) The variation from batch to batch has been evaluated Sensitivity, linearity and resolution has been evaluated Batch Dose Rate Max spread w.r.t. the average [%] Batch comparison HDR 1.9 LDR 3.7 Dose Rate comparison Batch A Batch B 9.5 Sensitivity Resolution [mGy] FGDOS 31.4 kHz/Gy 2 RadFET +5V 7 mV/Gy 60 RadFET GND 2 mV/Gy 200 Batch Dose Rate [Gy/h] Spread among sensors CI(±1.96σ) Max spread w.r.t. the average [%] A 3.2 – HDR ± 2.9 2.3 0.3 – LDR ± 3.2 2.7 B ± 4.0 2.9 0.3 - LDR ± 5.0 2.4 Development and characterization of the Floating Gate Dosimeter for radiation dose measurements - Matteo Brucoli
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