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Prepared by Smirnov Vadim, 7B

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Smirnov Vadim, 7B"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Smirnov Vadim, 7B
My School Prepared by Smirnov Vadim, 7B

2 My school There are three floors in my school. On the ground floor there is a hall and a canteen. There are the rooms of Technology, Art and Russian Language there.

3 Canteen My school

4 On the second floor there is a gym, a medical center, the rooms of Biology, History, Geography and English.

5 On the third floor there are the rooms for primary school.

6 My school is beautiful and pleasant
My school is beautiful and pleasant. There is a schoolyard near the school. Students grow potatoes, cabbage, carrots there.

7 There are sports clubs of football, basketball and Volleyball in my school.

8 I would like to have a swimming pool and a stadium in my school .

9 The End

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