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Dreaming of Television

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1 Dreaming of Television
RTV 3007 • Intro to Television

2 Before There Was Television
Three Technologies Shape TV

3 First the Telegraph

4 Timeline of Telegraphy
From the beginning of human history, we have attempted to communicate over long distances. First we used fire, smoke, bells, drums and, later, guns. 1300 – the semaphore was developed. a simple telegraphic system in Bavaria. first telegraphy system built in the US. In 1840 Samuel Morse invented Morse Code, which is still used worldwide.

5 Telegraphy: The Victorian Internet
History of the Telegraph: Samuel Morse: The Telegraph (to amplification of underwater cables)

6 Next the Telephone

7 Telephony Timeline (Abbreviated)
Robert Hooke creates an acoustic string telephone. Innocenzo Manzetti suggests a speaking telegraph. Antonio Meucci demonstrates a telephonic device in Havana. Johann Philipp Reis transfers a spoken phrase electrically over 340 feet: “The horse does not eat cucumber salad.” Both Meucci and Manzetti claim to invent a “speaking telegraph,” laying the groundwork for patent wars to come..

8 Telephony Timeline (Abbreviated)
Alexander Graham Bell develops the theoretical concepts for the telephone. Bell utters “Mr. Watson come here, I need you.“ Elisha Gray and Bell file patents for the telephone on the same day. Bell’s patent is granted. Tivadar Puskas invents the telephone switchboard. Bell makes the first two-way long distance telephone call between Cambridge and Boston. The first Telephone Exchange is established in Boston.

9 Alexander Graham Bell Telegraph to Telephone: AT&T
Secret Life of Machines: The Telephone

10 Early Telephone System

11 Early Telephone System

12 Radio is born

13 Radio: Abbreviated Timeline
Hans Omsted discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Michael Faraday experimented on electromagnetic forces. 1860s -1870s - James Clerk Maxwell experimented with electromagnetic waves (the foundation of the electromagnetic wireless spectrum). Thomas Edison claimed to have transmitted sound accidentally, while working in his laboratory. David Hughes was the first to send and receive radio waves.

14 Radio: Abbreviated Timeline
1880s - Heinrich Hertz showed that radio waves could be sent over long distances. William Crookes published an article showing that radio waves could be used for wireless telegraphy. Sir Oliver Lodge showed that wireless radio waves could be used to send morse code. Gugliemo Marconi sent the first radio transmission.

15 Gugliemo Marconi Secret Life of Machines: The Radio

16 Early Radio Technology

17 Earliest Visions of Television

18 Earliest Visions

19 Earliest Visions

20 Earliest Visions

21 AND SO IT BEGINS April 8, 1927

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