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Unit11 Lesson2.

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1 Unit11 Lesson2

2 Guess who they are?

3 Ashley Olsen



6 Who are they hiding from?

7 paparazzi

8 Objectives: 1. Practice listening for specific information. 2. Voice your opinion based on the information you got.

9 Princess Diana died in a car accident in 1997 and people blamed paparazzi for her death. Now many people are trying to analyse the problem of paparazzi, which arose a long time ago. Lots of self-employed photographers attempt to take photos of stars no matter where and when because people are willing to buy magazines and newspapers with those photos. begin to happen b. examine or think about something carefully in order to understand it c. working for yourself d. try to do something e. prepared to do something f. say that someone is responsible for something bad vi. arise vt. analyse adj. self-employed vt. attempt adj. willing vt. blame

10 For great profits, they go too far and their actions are not legal
For great profits, they go too far and their actions are not legal. Some super stars hate them so much that they defend their own rights by writing songs about paparazzi, such as Jay Chou. Their argument is that if paparazzi can write gossip on newspapers, then they can write songs too. People are in favor of this, for during the process of stars’ and paparazzi’s battle, they have some gossip to kill their time. there a. agree with or support money made from doing business c. reason d. do something in order to protect someone from being attacked e. series of events f. allowed by law v. be in favor n. profit n. argument vt. defend n. process adj. legal

11 analyse; arise; blame; willing;
vocabulary: analyse; arise; blame; willing; self-employed; legal; attempt; defend; argument; process; profit; favor; in favor of

12 Listening: Step 1. Listen to the whole radio programme and answer some questions. Predict the answers to the questions. 1. What is the topic of this radio programme? Paparazzi Paparazzi---- a social problem. 2. Why do paparazzi take photos of famous people? For money./ For profits. 3. Is it legal to take photos of famous people no matter where they are? No, it is not legal.

13 Listen to it part by part. Concentrate on the important words.
Step 2. Listen to it part by part. Part A: Listen and complete the sentences. Concentrate on the important words. The paparazzi are self-employed______________. The ________ is often blamed for encouraging the paparazzi. 3. Nowadays, selling photographs of famous people has become ______________. photographers media big business

14 While listening, listen for words from the
Part B: listen and judge whether the following attempts of paparazzi are legal. While listening, listen for words from the question. 1. Pretending to be a repair man to get into the house of a film star and take pictures of her daily life. 2. Hiring a helicopter to take pictures of the film star’s big house from the air. 3. Hiding in the bush outside the film star’s house to take pictures of her when she comes out. 4. Renting a speed boat to take pictures of the film star on the beach.

15 Part C: Listen and take notes of
the presenter’s and Dr. Linbrow’s opinion. Write down your answers in note form. Don’t use full sentences. Presenter: some people defend collecting and reporting news Dr. Linbrow: not all methods , legal make great profits risk legal costs Princess Diana’ death

16 Listen for more information
Listen to another interview and take notes of the interviewer’s and paparazzi’s opinions. Interviewer: dangerous not suitable Paparazzi: make profits exciting cool

17 Discussion: What is your opinion about paparazzi?

18 What is your opinion about paparazzi?
The public: blame the media for encouragement; part of news collecting and reporting; Paparazzi: make money; exciting; cool; Stars: paparazzi go too far; Journalists: dangerous; not suitable for everyone

19 Thank you for listening

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