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Welcome! Baltimore Polytechnic Institute October 14, 2011 U.S. History

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1 Welcome! Baltimore Polytechnic Institute October 14, 2011 U.S. History
Mr. Green

2 Agenda/Topics To Be Covered
The students will analyze the movement of immigrants to cities and the opportunities they found by describing the decisions cities made to cope with the population increase Hand-in: Yesterday’s class-work with homework Warm-up Question: Examine the photos on pages 282, 285, & 286 and answer the following 1. What problems of urban life are shown in the photo on page 282? 2. What other problems might result from the situation shown in the photo on page 285?

3 The Problems of Urbanization Ch. 7 Sec. 2 pgs. 282-287
Urban Opportunities Urbanization-immigrants settle in cities cheapest/convenient place to live unskilled laborers steady mill jobs/factories Americanization movement teach immigrants English, social etiquette, cooking, American History/Government Country to City Farming technology forced many off the land African-Americans forced off and moved to northern cities in search of jobs Cultural opportunities helped ease the pain of hard life in the cities

4 Urban problems Housing Row Houses Dumbbell tenements-became the worst place to live Transportation Electric streetcars Underground subway-Boston the 1st in 1897 needed to get laborers to work Water many cities did not have a water system New York/Cleveland –public water works chlorination/filtration-slow to spread cholera/typhoid fever

5 Sanitation Horse manure piled up Open sewer lines Sewer lines implemented by 1900, but rudimentary Fire Enemy of the city No water to combat fire Wooden structures –candles/kerosene Chicago fire of1871 San Francisco earthquake/fire 1906 Baltimore fire of 1904 Fire companies fought over territory/hose opening different in various cities Crime Pickpockets, thieves took advantage of immigrants New York City-1st paid, full-time, salaried police force in 1844

6 Reformers Mobilize Social Gospel Movement Salvation through service to the poor Settlement House Movement Community centers in slum neighborhoods Middle-class, college educated women Jane Addams-Chicago Hull House in 1889 Janie Porter Barrett-1st African-American Settlement house in Hampton, Va

7 Independent Practice The People
Why was each group drawn to cities in the Northeast and Midwest? Immigrants Farmers 3. African -Americans The Problems What was done in response to each problem? 1. Lack of Housing and open areas of land 2. Lack of safe and efficient transportation Unsafe drinking water 4. Lack of sanitation 5. Fire Hazards 6. Crime

8 Exit Ticket To what extent did the role of government and the individual reformers contribute in changing the living conditions in America’s cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

9 Homework Read Chapter 7 Section 3
Chapter7 Vocabulary Due next Wednesday

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