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From: What predicts the strength of simultaneous color contrast?

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1 From: What predicts the strength of simultaneous color contrast?
Journal of Vision. 2017;17(2):13. doi: / Figure Legend: The results of Experiment 1a. The first and third columns depict the color coordinates of the targets (filled triangles) and surrounds (open blue circles) in MB space, and the second and fourth columns depict the mean rank data. The error bars were bootstrapped. The red cross depicts the neutral point. The asterisk between two data points indicates that the p value calculated from Mann–Whitney U test is smaller than the corrected alpha value (0.0125). The data reveal that the largest perceived difference occurs for targets that fall on the line that joins the two surround colors, and decreases for targets as a function of distance from that line and the two surrounds. Date of download: 12/29/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © All rights reserved.

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