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Managing Stress and Change: Focus on Farm Financial Crisis

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Stress and Change: Focus on Farm Financial Crisis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Stress and Change: Focus on Farm Financial Crisis
Larry D. Sanders 2016 Oklahoma State University

2 How do we as educators find ourselves involved with emotionally stressed farmers?
Respond to a query about financial situation by farmer Respond to a query about financial situation by lender/attorney/minister Observe a stressed farmer/family Contact by family friend/business

3 How do we as educators become relevant in a farmer’s stressful life situation?
Be sensitive to privacy boundaries Recognize your own limitations Engage in active listening Reflect acknowledgement of dimensions of problems Don’t judge Maintain confidentiality Leverage other helping hands Follow up with farmer Recognize your own stress, acceptance of your responsibilities, and what you cannot do; HAVE A SAFETY NET

4 What is stress? The reaction of the body to any demand placed on it
Eustress is positive stress Distress is negative stress Stressors are factors with the potential to cause stress

5 Stages of stress Stage 1: Alarm Fight or flight Stage 2: Resistance
Body tries to adapt Stage 3: Exhaustion Energy is gone

6 How is farm stress manifested?
Financial stress Emotional stress Tight business and family budgets Falling behind on bills Delaying purchases and financial decisions Inability to make decisions Increased interest rates Laying off farm hands Kids can’t go to college Vacations delayed Loss of farm Elevated blood pressure Muscle and bone pain High cholesterol Stomach problems Heart disease Poor eating habits Drug/alcohol abuse Abuse of others or self Anxiety Depression Suicide


8 Intervention Recognize problem Identify priority solutions Set goals
End distractions Improve nutrition Sense of humor Social support systems

9 Change and its links to stress
Alteration Transformation Modification Make over Remake into something or someone different Level of stress is indicator of magnitude of change

10 Managing Change Reduces Stress
Characteristics of farms and firms that thrive in periods of change Committed to shared goals Understand their strategic intent & competitive advantage Become improvement-driven Trained & empowered personnel Personnel work hard, have great job satisfaction & HAVE FUN!

11 Managing Change Assumptions about change:
1. Pressure will be exerted to keep the status quo. 2. Those who passionately want to change are often impatient for it to begin & continue. 3. Disagreement & conflict in the change process is normal & inevitable. 4. Those changing often make 3 steps forward &1 backward in progression toward change.

12 Managing Change 3 factors needed to make change happen: 1. Disatifaction 2. Energy 3. Insight What’s needed to maintain change? 1. Satisfaction 2. Internal control (commitment) 3. Change 4. Reward

13 Managing Change Recognition of defenses against change
Denial Distortion Delusion Recognition of causes of resistance to change Perceived lack of control fear of unknown/losing face uncertainty of results Lack of information/participation in decisions Habit Tired of rapid change Loss of benefits, status, friends, self-esteem

14 Managing Change Thriving through change requires resilience.
A resilient person/farm/ firm/organization is: 1. Positive 2. Focused 3. Flexible 4. Organized 5. Proactive

15 Managing Change --Thriving through change
1. Ambiguity will be an essential part of the planning process. 2. Share the information that steers or guides the business. 3. Make full use of the many people and their talents (on the farm & your resource team). 4. Develop a vision of what you want for the future.

16 The key… Managing the risks associated with change increase the likelihood of success of the person/farm/firm/organization Thus, risk management is an essential part of any business or organization Acquiring more education is a form of risk management So, you are engaging in risk management and coping with change in the world around you

17 Moving toward farming based on problem resolution

18 Educator roles may include:
Be aware of farm financial stress. Understand indicators from markets, lending data. Listen to producers who may be sending signals that they need help with recordkeeping, marketing, & managing finances. Encourage producers to take action sooner rather than later. Direct producers to appropriate resources (Extension assistance, educational programs, lenders, attorneys, consultants, mental health professionals).

19 Introduction of panel Nathan Anderson, Payne County OCES
Stan Fimple, Pawnee County OCES

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